Hey Histonetters,

I don't endorse products but this one is really good.

I don't get a kick back and no relatives work for the company, I just wanted

to give you all a good product to use if you are looking. I looked up the 

and found they are the last U.S. Made Rubber Band company and based out of


I think I have had 2 eye injuries and multiple painful mishaps from

rubber bands that break far to easily so from that perspective I feel

I can give this product a thumbs up.

For the last 4 years I have been using  Alliance Rubber Company

non- latex rubber bands. The size 64 (3.5 x 1/4) work best on Slide folders

I have found. The Orange color rubber bands are easy to see and

hold the file folders together great and they rarely break.

I know it sound silly to talk about rubber bands this way but I was

really getting tired of being snapped by faulty rubber bands when trying to

wrap slide folders or paperwork.

I just had my first rubber band by Alliance snap a couple months ago which 
caught me

off guard cause it had been so long since that happened. It was then I look to

see what brand we were using and it turned out that we had been using the same

NON-latex rubber bands from the Alliance Rubber Company since I opened the 
Laboratory in 2012.

Before that at other labs breaking rubber bands were just part of the daily Job.

I think purchasing has gotten their best price on Amazon but they also use 
staples and

Office depot for supplies. I informed them that I only want these rubber bands 
and they

can get their best pricing where ever.

My fingers hurt a lot less after distributing slide folders and I don't have to 
swear as much. Ha Ha.

Funny how little things can really bother us.


Brent Adams - BS, LPN, HT


Acadiana Gastroenterology Associates, LLC
439 Heymann Blvd
Lafayette, LA  70503

tel:  (337) 269-1126
fax:  (337) 269-1476
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