Eva Permaul at Georgetown University asks:

>>We just had a request for Gallocyanine staining. Does anyone do this? Can
you share your protocol? Where do you buy your reagents?<<

Gallocyanin (correct spelling - C.I. 51030) is a blue oxazine dye somewhat
similar to celestin blue B. It's been used as a stain for Nissl substance.
Somebody at the AFIP was touting it as a hematoxylin substitute during the
Great Hematoxylin Shortage of around 1972. I think it was used as a chrome
alum lake for a nuclear stain. I've never seen it. You can get the dry dye
from Sigma-Aldrich. John Kiernan's book and Bancroft & Stevens 4th ed both
have formulas. But what does your client want to do with it?

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN
Histonet mailing list

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