
Has anyone tried the Qproteome FFPE Tissue Kit kit from Qiagen:

Qproteome FFPE Tissue Kit
For isolation of full-length proteins from formalin-fixed tissues
*         Standardized, quantitative extraction from FFPE tissue
*         Full-length proteins
*         Low sample requirements
The Qproteome FFPE Tissue Kit uses innovative proprietary chemistry to reverse 
the crosslinking process of formalin fixation and deliver full-length proteins 
ready for subsequent analysis.
Just curious if these kits are truly able to allow for isolation of proteins 
from formalin fixed tissue.  I know this technology has been used for a number 
of years manually, just wondering how these kits are to manual methods and if 
it can be used for all proteins or only a certain proteins or sizes.

Thank you in advance.


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