These work pretty well to keep wax from being spread around too much.

Place them strategically in thresholds and high traffic areas.

Unlike the blue semi-permanent ones you mentioned, which break down, when
these get dirty, you just peel off the dirty layer, and there is a clean
sheet underneath. 30 sheets a box.

Use with the aforementioned twice monthly floor stripping.

Or get the floor stripped once and tell your techs that they are
responsible for keeping the floor in that condition.  Make a clean floor a
priority just like getting slides out.  As in, you can't leave for the day
until your area is scraped and swept.

Depends on whether or not you want to pay histotechs to scrape floors.
Maybe assign it to lab aides?  It only takes a few minutes a day if you
start with a clean floor.  Personally, I hate working in a dirty lab.
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