Looks like a good suggestion. Ideally the driver code should just return a 
structure that encodes the columns separately as opposed to a single serialized 
string today and the formatting logic should all be in the CliDriver


-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Capriolo [mailto:edlinuxg...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:00 PM
To: hive-u...@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: HIVE-49 and other forms of CLI niceness


Some simple features in Hive can really bring down the learning curve for new 
users. I am teaching some how to use hive.

A buddy if mine did this.
hive> select * from mt_date_test;
a       2010-01-01      NULL
b       2009-12-31      NULL
c       2010-01-27      NULL

hive> select * from mt_date_test where my_date > '2010-01-01';

2010-01-27 08:18:27,008 map = 100%,  reduce =100% Ended Job = 
job_200909171715_20264 OK

I instantly suspected 1) whiteplace 2) delimeters

hive> select key from mt_date_test;

a       2010-01-01
b       2009-12-31
c       2010-01-27


Should we use a pipe | or some other column delimiter like the mysql CLI does? 
and have this be a property that is on by default


In its current state the user understandably made the assumption that '>' does 
not work on strings.

Should we add some expose the format of the results in Driver so that the CLI 
can effectively split the rows by column?

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