Hi Pradeep,

I get from this note that the authorization that you are talking about here are 
basically the management of the permissions on the hdfs directories 
corresponding to the tables and the partitions. So from that angle this sounds 
good to me. There is a whole set of permissions/authorizations with regard to 
the metadata operations themselves eg. Who should be able to run an alter table 
add column or describe table etc. I presume that would be beyond the scope of 
this change and would come in later? I am thinking more in terms of the 
permissions model that is supported in SQL using GRANT statements etc.

I also presume that by conf variables you mean the key value properties that 
Hive can store in the metadata and not the hive conf variables, right?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Sichi [mailto:jsi...@facebook.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:22 PM
To: hive-dev@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Fwd: [howldev] Initial thoughts on authorization in howl

Begin forwarded message:

From: Pradeep Kamath <prade...@yahoo-inc.com<mailto:prade...@yahoo-inc.com>>
Date: July 27, 2010 4:38:42 PM PDT
To: <howl...@yahoogroups.com<mailto:howl...@yahoogroups.com>>
Subject: [howldev] Initial thoughts on authorization in howl
Reply-To: <howl...@yahoogroups.com<mailto:howl...@yahoogroups.com>>

The initial thoughts on authorization in howl are to model authorization (for 
DDL ops like create table/drop table/add partition etc) after hdfs permissions. 
To be able to do this, we would like to extend createTable() to add the ability 
to record a different group from the user's primary group and to record the 
complete unix permissions on the table directory. Also, we would like to have a 
way for partition directories to inherit permissions and group information 
based on the table directory. To keep the metastore backward compatible for use 
with hive, I propose having conf variables to achieve these objectives:
-          table.group.name<http://table.group.name> - value will indicate the 
name of the unix group for the table directory. This will be used by 
createTable() to perform a chgrp to the value provided. This property will 
provide the user the ability to choose from one of the many unix groups he is 
part of to associate with the table.
-          table.permissions - value will be of the form rwxrwxrwx to indicate 
read-write-execute permissions on the table directory. This will be used by 
createTable() to perform a chmod to the value provided. This will let the user 
decide what permissions he wants on the table.
-          partitions.inherit.permissions - a value of true will indicate that 
partitions inherit the group name and permissions of the table level directory. 
This will be used by addPartition() to perform a chgrp and chmod to the values 
as on the table directory.

I favor conf properties over API changes since the complete authorization 
design for hive is not finalized yet. These properties can be 
deprecated/removed when that is in place. These properties would also be useful 
to some installation of vanilla hive since at least DFS level authorization can 
now be achieved by hive without the user having to manually perform chgrp and 
chmod operations on DFS.

I would like to hear from hive developers/committers whether this would be 
acceptable for hive and also thoughts from others.



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