Title: Syed Hamid Adakan Perjumpaan Dengan Menteri Luar Israel di New York!!!!!
Syed Hamid Adakan Perjumpaan Dengan Menteri Luar Israel di New York!!!!!
Singapore Straits Times
SEP 28 1999

                 Historic meeting between KL,
                 Israel ministers

                 By ABRAHAM RABINOVICH
                 IN JERUSALEM

                 ISRAELI papers yesterday reported on a "historic
                 meeting" between Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed
                 Hamid Albar and his Israeli counterpart David Levy in
                 New York over the weekend.

                 According to the reports, the ministers conferred for 45
                 minutes on the sidelines of a United Nations General
                 Assembly session, which both are attending, and agreed
                 to establish a bilateral committee to explore the
                 possibility of cooperation between their countries.

                 While there has been no official word from either side, it
                 was the first reported meeting between representatives
                 of the two countries, which have no diplomatic ties.

                 The meeting was said to have been arranged by
                 non-governmental American figures.

                 Malaysia is perceived in Israel as an extremist Muslim
                 state that takes the lead in attacks on Israel in Islamic

                 An Israeli source said the ministers agreed that the two
                 countries "should open up to each other".

                 Datuk Syed Hamid reportedly told Mr Levy that
                 Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad had sent
                 a message of congratulations to Israeli Prime Minister
                 Ehud Barak after the latter's election victory in May.
                 There has been no previous report of such a message
                 being sent.

                 Last week in New York, Mr Levy also met
                 representatives of 11 Arab countries, several of which
                 have no diplomatic relations with Israel.

                 That meeting was reportedly arranged by US Secretary
                 of State Madeleine Albright and was hailed as an
                 indication of the warmer atmosphere in the region
                 following Mr Barak's victory over former hardline
                 premier Benjamin Netanyahu.

Nota: Kenapa akhbar Tempatan Tidak melaporkannya ?????Seperti juga perjumpaan sulit diantara Mahathir dengan Yitzhak Rabin (Perdana Menteri Israel waktu itu) dan Shimon Peres (Menteri Luar) Di Paris pada tahun 1994 dan kehadiran Daim di Kongress Yahudi sedunia pada tahun 1997. Adakah Malaysia terjerumus da

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