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Selepas negara kita bertambah maju, nak ambil wuduk pun akan
dikenakan bayaran sebanyak 20 sen.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 11:24 AM
Subject: H-Net* (Fwd) College puts in Footbaths for Muslims


Lihat bagaimana sebuah college di luar negara willingly
provide facilities for
Muslim students to take wudhu'.

Does it happen here in our beloved country Malaysia...



College puts in footbaths for Muslims
October 5, 1999

Students at Harper Community College in Palatine returned to
school this
fall to find a new addition to the bathrooms at the student
footbaths for Muslim students to wash their feet before
their five daily

Officials at the public college said Monday that they
decided on their own
to install the footbaths as a matter of health and safety.
They didn't want
students washing their feet in the sinks or toilets.

Now some students are questioning whether public
money--about $1,500 to
$2,000, according to the school--should have been spent for
what they see
as a religious purpose.

"Since everybody had to pay for it, and not everybody is
going to use it,
that is the thing I think is annoying," Harper student Josh
Leach said Monday.

"I think it should have been discussed with students and
more people before
it was done," said Student Senate President Desmond Lane, a
sophomore, echoing comments in the student newspaper, the
"Putting something in for just one religion, you kind of
alienate the other

College officials approached the Muslim Students Association
last year and
offered to build the footbaths.

"We happened to be renovating the bathrooms," said Joan
Kindle, Harper's
vice president for student affairs. "Anybody can use them.
It doesn't say,
`For Muslims only.' "

In planning the renovations, physical plant director Bob
Getz included the
low-to-the-ground sinks that can serve as footbaths during
the day and
which custodians use to dump mop water during the overnight

"Our custodians would walk in and see [students] with one
foot on the
ground and one foot on the facial sink," Getz said. "It was
kind of a
dangerous situation."

Charles Brown, faculty adviser to the Muslim Students
Association, said
students in the group were grateful. He said the group had
about 15 to 20
members last year. It has not yet organized for the new
school year.

Despite some objections, other students support the move.
"It was a
pioneering idea," said Vincent Guerra, a sophomore. Jane M.
Whicher, a
lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, said "it
didn't raise an
immediate concern."

Islam teaches that people should be clean before they pray
five times a
day, said Abdul Hameed Dogar, director of the Islamic
Foundation of Villa

"You should be clean, your clothes should be clean, the
ground should be
clean where you kneel," Dogar said. "If people in the
morning wash
themselves and put on socks while still clean, then cleaning
[of feet] is
not obligated."

Copyright(c) 1999 The Sun-Times Company.

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