Title: Non Muslims not ready yet to leave sinfull life style - An Interesting Report.....

Assalamu'alaikum kepada semua warga Hizbi, Muslimat & Siber (my personal mailing list),

Bacalah laporan di bawah ini.   Lihatlah betapa orang-orang yg takut jika PAS memerintah, maka sudah tiadalah kegiatan maksiat dan tidak dapatlah manusia yg tidak bertanggungjawab "meratah" kegadisan gadis-gadis Melayu yg kerap menjadi mangsa bila dapat ke tangan lelaki mabuk!

Undilah Bee End lagi!  Nescaya mereka tidak akan bendung kegiatan-kegiatan tak bermoral begini dan akhirnya, orang Islam juga yg rugi!!  Apa taknya kalau pertandingan minum air setan pun orang Islam/Melayu yg menang?!??  Dahlah tu, daging bab* pun tak boleh nak bezakan dengan daging lembu!

Syukurlah di Terengganu semua itu telah dihapuskan beransur-ansur.....  InsyaAllah, akan berkuranganlah maksiat dan selamatlah gadis-gadis yg tak berdosa.....  kita sendiri tahu kan, betapa buruknya kesan dari mabuk arak ni!  Silap-silap haribulan, menyesal seumur hidup gadis yg diperkosa oleh lelaki mabuk - satu malam punya hal  penyesalannya seumur hidup!  Perkara ini memang pernah terjadi, bukan impian atau khayalan... tapi siapakah yg dapat menyelesaikan masalah kegiatan tak bermoral ini?

Maafkan saya jika ada perkataan yg kurang sopan dalam laporan, tapi ia memang saya biarkan "as original as it is".


Saya rasa, seeloknya bagi orang Islam yg bekerja di syarikat Bukan Bumpiutera (yg rata-rata juga adalah Non-Muslim) supaya tidak hadir ke majlis-majlis annual dinner seperti ini, untuk mengelakkan kejadian yg tidak diingini.


-----Original Message-----
From: Undisclosed Sender
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 1:29 PM
To: 'Undisclosed recipients'
Subject: FW: Non Muslims not ready yet to leave sinfull life style.

(Non Muslims not ready yet to leave sinfull life
style. Read on you will realise why they voted the way
they did.  It was certainly not because peace,stability
or progress but due to the fear of all the Maksiat
Joints will be closed by a more islamic government.)

A few days ago I had the opportunity to find out what
scares the Non Muslims out of their shoes on the
mention of PAS.  I have an insight what makes the Non
Muslims love Barisan Nasional.

This opportunity came in the form of a Company Annual
Dinner which was held in a prestigous Hotel located
Tanjung Bungah, Penang Island (Not Mainland of Penang
Seberang Perai).

When I walked in I realised that I was among the few
wearing the Muslim Headscarves.  Most of the people
inside the Ballroom were Chinese upper management and
Middle management.  There was a table of Malay man.  I was
accompanied by a few of my male PAS collegues who had
managed to get in through waiters.

We were serving the company staff their food.  I managed
to ask the chief waiter who was on our side whether the
food was Halal.  The chief waiter explained since most
of the attendees were non muslim the question of Halal
food did not arise.  It did not make economic sense to
cater for Halal food.   I was able to notice a few malay
man who were taking some sliced pork balloney
mistaking it for beef.   When one of the man asked the
waiters what was the meat,the waiter promptly answered
beef.   A few minutes later the malay man were munching
on pork balloney.

Then I got more shock as I saw liquor and alcoholic
beverages were served freely and almost every table
had one.   Even the Malays were drinking it after being
asked to Yamseng by their MD.After a while the guest
DJ asked everyone for their attention.   He was about to
start a games session.   The game was who could drink
more iced liqour.   A few of the Upper management and a
few of their female staff went on stage and started
drinking gulp after gulp.   One of the female chinese
staff could not take anymore and had to be carried down
back to her seat.   On the way back many man took
advantage (they were very drunk at this point) fondling
her breasts and putting thier hands between her
thighs.   The other chinese women just laughed and

Well...., this was over when a winner was confomed    His name
was Abdul Said bin Mohammed Noor,yes a muslim working
in Non Muslim company can drink alcohol better than a
Chinese.  MasyaAllah!!!

With this over they played Mambo NO 5 and had a Mambo
stick contest, more like limbo stick from hell.  They got
everyone in action man and women. Here again I saw a
few man take advantage of women who were leaning back
to pass the mambo stick.  I could not belive woman who
naturally resist man touching them in Private parts
just let them,even seem to be enjoying it.  Even in this
event the Malay man won.  Ya Rabbi!!

Then they had a dancing session where both the man
and woman who had been just sitting were called
up. This was when I noticed as there were some Malay
girls among this hell bound motley crew.  I could
clearly see few very drunk chienese man and woman
asking them to step out and dance. I believed the
chienese were high ranking officers.  When one of them
finally stepped out,she was stopped and a chineses man
helped her removed her headscarf(tudung lerr) and threw
it away.  After this all of them were on the dancing
floor dancing to the music.

The Malay girls were also forced gently by their
superiors to take a sip or two of alcohol.  Once they
were feeling "high".  They were fed more by some chinese
men.  My friend, the head waiter came by and told me this
girl will be having their first nights if they are
still virgins tonight.  The hotel rooms have already
been booked earlier that night by the MD.  At this point
I was almost aflame with anger but I could not do much
since I am Barisan Nasional controled turf.

At about 11.00 clock that night a dancing group came
on stage and performed.  Their lead dancer was a
"PONDAN" accompanied by some real man and girls.  All of
them were wearing semi transparant dress and I noticed
they were really getting the crowd hot.

After this the party was over and I followed some of
the malay girls who were very drunk accompanied by the
chinese man some also by Malay man.  It was true I
hanged around long enough to hear very paintly voices
of woman in resistance.  I, at this point called the
Police,but the police were reluctant to come since
their religous department officers were off duty at
night and prior appointment must be made with that
religous dept officers to take any action.  The police
also went to the point "jangan kacau tepi kain orang
lain" and hung up the phone when I stressed they should come

In this pesta maksiat disguised as and Company Anual
Dinner I have noticed extreme
alcoholism, pevertness, rape and gross undermining of
Universal Good Moral values.

dengan nama allah swt apa yang dilaporkan adalah benar
semata mata.

End of report.
Someone else comments.

I therefore move to sugest that Tanjung Bungah
constituency be marked Black and an Imposibble
Barisan Nasional Fort for PAS or the new Barisan
Alternatif even DAP will find it hard to find support
among such Non Malays and Non Muslims. The population
in Penang Island have lost almost all sense of Moral
values,religous belief is almost non existance. They
live like animals and will take aleast another
generation for this area's population to realise
Morality to our level.

I conclude that the Non Muslims did not reject Barisan
Alternatif on the grounds of Peace,Stabilty and
Economic progress,  But on the fear of losing their
freedom to indulge in immoral activities as seen in
the eyes of Islam and any other religon.  This
conclusion is based on reportIt is best that we leave
this area and concentrate in teaching the true meaning
of Islam in others areas in Penang where the people
minds are not fully corupted to the point of getting
drunk and behaving like animals.

Everything I have stated in this report is true and I
swear by the Name of Allah swt it the truth and
nothing but the truth.

PAS Inteligence
1st dis 1999

Note - this is report from PAS.

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