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Added 03 March 2000

"Your rockets just killed my son, my daughter, and my
wife – and you want me to cry in
Your soldiers are raping my daughter – and you want me
to sit and watch. 
Your tanks are destroying my Mosques – and you want me
to walk away. 
You are starving my children – and you want me to
smile at you.
Your hand is dripping my blood – and you want me to
shake it.
You might NOT be my jailer – but all what he knows and
owns are yours.
When I try to raise my head – your boots come falling
on my neck.
When I say stop – your hand slaps my face.
When I prostrate in prayer – you empty your gun in my
When I run away from your wrath – you hunt me down and
destroy me. 
You are the shining light of freedom and democracy?
You are the protector of human (and animal) rights and
You are the symbol of justice and equality?
[Brother AAR, WA, USA, 1 March 2000]

"May Allah help you out and guide and protect you. You
have raised our heads. May Allah
destroy the evil Russian army and its backers. What
you are doing is unmatched. I wish you
were closer, Allah knows, I would jump right in to
help you to the end. You raised my kids'
awareness and have proven to the world that Muslims
are no terrorists. Please hit them hard
and break them apart and be assured that I will do
what I can to help the people of
Chechnya. Your fight for freedom has never been
matched. Please Allah help our Brothers
and Sisters."
[Brother SD, USA, 29 Feb 2000]

"I would just like to say to the brothers in Chechnya
that all my life I've heard people talking
about Islam including myself, but the only Mu'mins
(Faithful Ones) that I know of today are
without a shadow of doubt the Mujahideen.
Alhamdulillah, our Master Allah (SWT) has
Accepted the world's Mujahids with special reference
to the Chechen Mujahids who are an
inspiration to all Muslims in the world. We will
suffer hunger, pain and we will miss our
families but in the end, with the Grace Of Allah (SWT)
we shall once more rule this world with
Allah's Name being implemented all over. And our dear
mothers, sisters and children will
again be able to live a life of happiness- InshaAllah"
[Brother MS, USA, 29 Feb 2000]

"Why was I born Muslim?
My heroes are called terrorists,
The cowards are regarded as moderate. 

Why was I born Muslim?
Every news headline spits at me,
Every politician shouts at me.

Why was I born Muslim?
Cheap is the blood of our children,
Warmongers are our scholars.

Why was I born Muslim?
Our countries are in sanctions, 
The oppressors go unchecked.

Why was I born Muslim?
I was born Muslim to overcome criticism,
I was born Muslim to "enjoy" my sufferings.

Why was I born Muslim?
Yes, I was born a fighter in the path of Allah,
Otherwise, I was never born Muslim."
[Brother SS, USA, 29 Feb 2000]

"I am a Muslim brother from Somalia. I was very
pleased to get this site, which I was looking
for many months. Fortunately I got it and it gave me
the real situation in which Mujahideen
are. It is good news that the Mujahideen are winning
in this war with the help of Allah. I am
with you, my dear Brothers and Sisters and I send you
my dua every time. May Allah give you
great reward in this World and in the next World. Woe
to Russians who destroyed peace, and
denied mercy to the Chechens, who destroyed the once
called "Second-Most Powerful
Country in the World" 
[Brother MJ, Somalia, 1 March 2000]

"When I look at the faces of the Russian captives, I
wander what is going through their minds.
Look at how they are treated like human beings, when
at the same time the Russians are
killing and raping Chechen women. I would imagine how
suprised they are, because as far as
they are concerned, these Muslims are terrorists. But
little do they know that Mujahideen act
according to the Quran and the Sunnah while the
Russians act according to Putin and his
generals. Dear Brothers, show these people what Islam
is all about and give them Da'wah.
Maybe Allah will guide some of them as he did in the
past and victory is only from Allah."
[Brother EH, USA, 1 March 2000]

"Since I did not get any news from Azzam publication
for the last couple of days, I was
desperate and worried about my Mujahideen brothers in
Chechnya. But after reading today's
news, the first thought that came in my mind was this:

'Alhamdulillah my prayers were accepted by Allah
May Allah (SWT) accept the Shahaadah of the Martyrs,
May Allah (SWT) hasten the recovery of the wounded
May Allah (SWT) save the Mujahideen from making
unintentional mistakes and may Allah
(SWT) keep up the unity and Brotherhood among His

O you 'Lions of the Den', may Allah (SWT) show you the
Victory just like the Battle of Badr,
Ameen. By the Grace of Allah the Most High, I pray for
you everyday in my thoughts and
during my prayers."
[Brother AP, USA, 1 March 2000]

"Allahu Akbar ! Hearing about the news of Chechnya was
very astonishing. I was very
amazed when I read that the Mujahideen had killed 135
Russians. Masha Allah, during the
Russian war in Afghanistan against the Mujahideen,
they never succeeded, and they're
definitely not going to succeed in Chechnya. When the
Russians were too afraid to fight the
Mujahideen soldiers of Allah, then they started to
kill innocent men, women, kids and even
animals. Now that's what they're doing in Chechnya. My
Mujahideen brothers prepare a
special gift for President Putin on his election day.
May Allah give the Martyred Mujahideen
brothers the highest level in Jannah and may Allah
give you all the victory."
[Sister ZA, CA, USA, 1 March 2000]

"Every morning when am traveling, I always think of
you all and question myself: who in this
world is doing the most wonderful JOB, in my heart I
know it is the Mujahideen all over the
world. Because I travel using public transport, it
takes me one hour going to work and one
hour coming back from work. In that time I recite the
Holy Quran and I ask Allah to remove
all the calamities and obstacles from the way and
grant the Mujahideen success, and amongst
the most important dua, include me in the group of the
Mujahideen. Make dua that Allah
makes it easy for me, I am a lost sheep from the
[Brother IK, UK, 1 March 2000]

"Here we are watching with our hands tight and can't
do any thing except making Du'aa
from the bottom of our hearts. Oh Allah aid our
brothers in Chechnya and unify their rows
and aim their firing and strengthen their
determination. Oh Allah aid them with an army from
yourself. Oh Allah, cure the injured and bless the
Shuhadaah (Martyrs). Oh Allah scatter the
Russian firing and shake the earth beneath them and
strike fear and confusion in their hearts
and souls and minds. Oh Allah, make their plans works
against them. Oh Allah, show us your
Amazing Power in them today before tomorrow. Make them
a lesson for others."
[Brother AA, USA, 1 March 2000]

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Added 02 March 2000

"Those Muslim Soldiers who left the Dunyah behind in
search of only an Akhirah. 

Those who answered lonesome cries whilst the rest of
the Ummah slept. 

Those who answered the verses of the Quran and fully
adhered to the Sunnah of the Prophet

Those who regarded the adornment of the Dunyah as
superficial and futile. 

Those who exerted themselves to their up most
capacities in order submit to the Deen. 

Those who sacrificed precious lives for the Sake of
Allah alone. 

Those who rejected the cries of weeping families and
answered the cries of the oppressed.

Those who fought till the last breath and till the
last drop of blood in their bodies. 

Those who stand tall, as beacons of proud Muslim

Those who write History with their beautiful blood. 

Those who slept restlessly at night, knowing that the
only life they knew was on the
battlefield, fighting the Mushriqeen. 

Those who fought amongst themselves to stand up in
guard duty. 

Those who persevered with sabr not knowing when they
would get to the front-line. 

Those who wept incessantly, Begging Allah alone to be
granted a status amongst the

Those who were content in being left behind, not
knowing if they'd ever be called up. 

Those who's anger about the state of the Ummah was not
restricted to vain rhetoric. 

Those who left the homes in which they were reared as
chickens and stood up for the Deen of

Those resisted the potent grasp of Shaitaan and his
Vile Dunyah, and ran towards the musk of

Those who got up from the gatherings and actually did
something about the pillage and
humiliation and suffering of those who's only crime
was to bear a Muslim name. 

Those who would stand on Yawm-ul-Qiyaamah, dignified
and Upright. Mutilated, limbless
and bloody they may be, but they will always remain,
The Soldiers of Allah. The Mujahideen. 

How Do We Compare?" 
[Sister SN, UK, 28 Feb 2000]

"We all realise that the fighting is intense at the
moment and has been this past week. The
Russians are claiming victory and claim that Shatoi
has been flushed of Mujahids, (Do the
Russians know that thousands of new Mujahideen from
all over the world will soon swell the
ranks of those already fighting). Praise be to Allah,
our brave Mujahideen have yet again
proved elusive and diligent soldiers. Know in your
hearts that these brave soldiers of Allah
are not easily repulsed or beaten, how can they be
when they fight for truth and what is good.
Evil will never triumph. Never lose faith. The
Russians are exasperated, bewildered and
Their headache is set to get worse, for them to think
of subduing and obliterating a nation has
indeed been a folly. Russians will soon realise that
they are not fighting Chechens, they are
fighting one billion awakened Muslims, and this time,
Muslim memories will not be short.
Muslims all over the world are sickened by this
thoughtless and evil Russian regime.
Chechnya has brought the Muslim brotherhood closer and
more united than ever before. The
Russians will soon reckon with the Muslims. They will
wish they had never heard of
Chechnya. I say to the Russian people, Russian
soldiers and conscripts, know what is good for
you, embrace Islam now and seek forgiveness for your
sins. Allah, alone, knows best and may
he give you Eeman (ie. Islam).
[Brother AD, Canada, 01 March, 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, to my Brothers and all Fighters in
Chechnya and all Mujahideen in the
world. I'm a young Muslim student from Macedonia. With
my body I'm in Macedonia but with
my heart I'm in Chechnya. We will win the war because
God is with us and we started this in
His Name. I didn't want to waste your time except to
convey salaam from all Muslims from
[Brother MM, Macedonia, 01 March 2000]

"Dear brothers of all faiths, the world over, who
believe in true justice and liberty. Who do
these Russian monsters think they are? Monsters is
what they are. No other word can describe
what these inhuman beasts are doing to defenseless
women and children. They are Cowards
because of all the atrocities. Only heartless, inhuman
beasts devoid of all morals and decency
in their lust for destruction and mayhem could cause
all this human suffering. May the God of
the heavens hear your prayers, O Chechen Brothers, and
bring justice to you and may he give
you the victory because evil will ultimately be
defeated. Just as you defeated the Russian
monster despite the negative odds, God must aid you in
your hour of need.
I am a Mexican man of American Indian heritage and we
too in our past history were
subjected to the evil of ethnic cleansing and genocide
just like you are experiencing now. We
had no one to aid us. Just like you. The world turned
a blind eye. We must not allow this to
happen again wherever there is unjust human
...Unfortunately I am unable to go due to economic and
health reasons. But I will help you by
making people aware of your plight. To all the
cowardly Muslim leaders. Stand up like men!
Don't you see that you may be next if you do not aid
your Muslim brothers! Is the fear of the
Russians greater than your fear of God...!
[Armand Rangel, USA, March 01 2000]

Alhamdulillah, because of your website I am awake to
the reality, the importance of Jihad to
raise the Flag of Islam in this world for the sake of
Allah alone. We in Southern Philippines
decades ago suffered the atrocities of the Kuffar
armies. That time, majority of us did not
know the importance of Jihad so there were few who
joined the Mujahideen that time.
Because of your website my heart yearns to be a
Mujahid and die for it. I could hardly hold
my tears to roll down on my face everytime I read your
website. I feel so sorry about some of
our Arabs brothers because they are too busy for
"football" spending too much money and
effort just to become a famous "ball kicker" and and
not a fighter for Allah forgetting their
role being a part of the Muslim Ummah. May Allah guide
us all.
[Brother BA, Philippines, March 01 2000]

"Now I am determined...
Everyday I would lay awake and imagine that I was
brave enough to go to battle; stand on
the front lines, but fear would set in, and then I
would remember that I was just a woman.
Relieved I knew I was saved, my life was spared each
time I heard of the heroes; martyrs who
sacrificed themselves for their religious identity, it
brought me to tears I felt sadness,
admiration at the same time. I felt like a coward at
the way I hid behind my weaknesses
yesterday, I had a voice, but I was silent. I had a
brain, but I was ignorant, my eyes were
closed. I walked around oblivious to what was
happening around me it was so convenient.
The truth depressed me today, I heard the call, I felt
the strength inside myself. I lived the
pictures, I envisioned the cries, death told a story.
I listened, it made me angry, I wanted to
take action today. I did not stand paralysed by fear,
instead I uncovered my blindfold. I
looked beyond my backyard into yours today. I did not
stand silent I spoke for the oppressed,
loud and clear God gave me a voice and I used it.
Today I told a history that was once
ignored, deleted out of the books. I told of a past
that has become the present. I spoke with
such strength, it surprised even me today. I said I
had enough, that we have had enough and I
really meant it. Today I acknowledged to myself and to
the world that though I may have
been unsure yesterday, now I am determined"
[Sister HA, Canada, Feb 29 2000]

"I am asking our brothers and sisters in Chechnya to
pray for me and many of my friends to
be among the Mujahideen"
[Moroccan Brother, USA, Feb 29 2000]

"Imam Shamil, Chechnya September 1838, to the brave
people of Chechnya:
'Say to him (the Russian Tsar) 
That I will fight until the belief in victory of these
brave people is vanished from their hearts, 
That I will fight until the last bullet, until the
last arm of these people,
Although you killed all my family, although you killed
all my follower,s I would fight on my
own, until my last breath, 
Say to him that this is my final answer !!!'" 
[Serdar Gόltepe, Netherlands, 29 Feb 2000]

"I have been reading this site for quite some time and
always wanted to share my thoughts
with you all. I felt very low of myself, laughed and
cried at my hypocrisy and begged Allah to
forgive me for all my wrong doings and ignore my
ungratefulness for smallest of things in
daily life. The past few months have been quite
refining for my soul and I feel that even
though I was not a part of this Jihad physically, it
has indeed left a profound affect over my
soul. I feel more spiritually refined by Allah's grace
and see things in life, I used to be too blind
to see otherwise. I am sure that this site has opened
the eyes of many Muslims all over the
world by Allah's will. At least the revolution has
started within our hearts and minds which
have been so corrupted by the pleasures of this Dunya.
When I see the brother at the front page of your site,
I go crazy. I cry and feel jealous and
happy at the same time for what they have achieved
with Allah (Inshallah). This is something
I haven't even prepared for. They have taken the
lead!! Looking at their smiling and peaceful
faces have given me hopes and confidence to leave
everything behind in order to please my
Lord. I have never seen such peaceful and happy faces
of those who knew that they were
going to die soon. I never knew that I could fall in
love with my brothers so much without
even knowing them from before. If this is how one is
supposed to feel, then may Allah (SWT)
grant His favors upon me..Ameen!"
[Brother SAA, Maryland, USA, Feb 29 2000]

"Never in history has people fought with such bravery
as the Chechens. It is the Faith in
Allah (SWT) that has let them stand to a enemy that is
one thousand times stronger. The
Russians should be ashamed of themselves. I also hail
their move to leave Grozny and now
Shatoi when it is not feasible to defend it. Otherwise
it is suicide. It is practically a defeat for
the Russians. Keep up the good work. May Allah reward
you with it"
[Brother SKA, USA, Feb 29 2000]

"Assalam 'alaikum, Great Fighters of Almighty Allah
(SWT), recently I joined a "gym" to
prepare myself to take part in Jihad. However I got
into an accident and I got admitted to
hospital. When the doctor was treating me, I was in a
great deal of pain but when I thought of
the Mujahideen and thought of how they are struggling,
how they are fighting only for the
sake of Allah (SWT). How they are sleeping in freezing
weather, then I stopped screaming.
[Brother MK, LA, USA, Feb 29 2000] 
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