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Di Palestin, bumi yang telah lama dihina oleh puak-puak kafir, seorang 
pemimpin yang memakai lambang Islam - yang pasti Islamnya hanya pada nama 
membuktikan bahawa dia tidak peka terhadap ucapannya sendiri dengan 
memanggil ketua agama kristian sebagai your holiness.  Dan demi mengambil 
hati menggelarkan jesus sebagai the prophet of peace and love.  Dia juga 
menggambarkan bahawa selama ini dia mengharapkan ketua agama kristian itu 
untuk mendatangkan keamanan di bumi Palestine.  Bangang punya Arafat!

Di Indonesia, Gus Dur meminta pakar-pakar agama lain dibenarkan menjadi ahli 
jawatankuasa masjid.  Bangang punya Gus Dur. Buta mata, buta hati, sesat 
lagi menyesatkan.  Buta pekak tuli punya Nahdatul Ulama'.

Di Malaysia, mesjid-mesjid dan surau-surau tidak lagi dibenarkan mengadakan 
program kuliah agama kerana dibimbangi parti memerintah akan terus kalah 
dalam pilihanraya seterusnya.  Bangang punya Hamid Osman.  Bangang punya Wan 
Mokhtar.  Bangang punya Zainal Abidin.  Buta pekak tuli hanya kerana habuan 
dunia.  Mereka lupa peranan sebagai khalifah Allah, mereka lupa usia mereka 
meniti senja, mereka lupa hanya tak berapa lama saja lagi mereka akan 
mengadap Allah dan akan disoal apa peranan mereka sebagai ulama untuk 
memartabatkan Islam.

Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah

>From: Asiah Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000 20:49:44 -0800 (PST)
>Assalamualaikum ww
>Kalau ada sesiapa yang membaca sedutan ucapan di bawah masih tidak berasa 
>apa-apa, silalah renungkan firman Allah: 'Sesunggunhnya deen di sisi Allah 
>hanyalah Islam", surah Al-Maidah.
>Assalaamu alaykum
>It looks like the puppet leaders imposed upon us by the West are no longer 
>ashamed to openly expose their utter dependence on the West. Can you 
>imagine a so-called Muslim leader in the Holy Land of Palestine calling the 
>Pope "your holiness" and thanking him for his "just position" in relation 
>to Palestine!
>Does the Pope--or any other western or even eastern leader--accept the 
>Islamic position that this land has, since the conquest by Khalifah Umar 
>bin al-Khattab (RA), been purely Islamic land which must be ruled over by 
>Muslims based upon the Islamic Shari'ah. Does he realise that the only time 
>when the people of the land ever saw peace was when the Shari'ah was 
>implemented comprehensively over Muslim, Jew, Christian etc giving each his 
>due right and demanding from each his obligation? Of course not! The 
>solution the Pope and other nonMuslim leaders offer will always be one 
>other than the Islamic position--so why does Arafat among many others 
>grovel and prostrate to them? Obviously, it is because he--like the rest of 
>the puppets ruling over us--depend not upon Allah but their western masters 
>and that he desires not to implement the Shari'ah in its entirety but 
>rather fight against it.
>As Allah ta'ala says: May Allah cause them to perish, how much they do 
>lie!!! [TMQ Surah At-Taubah]
>Associated Press
>3/22/2000 07:16
>Excerpts from Arafat's speech at pope's arrival in Bethlehem
>Excerpts from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's speech today welcoming
>Pope John Paul II to the West Bank town of Bethlehem:
>''In the name of the Palestinian people, and in my name personally, I
>welcome your holiness, I welcome you as an esteemed guest in holy
>Jerusalem the eternal capital of Palestine, the land of prophets and
>messengers, in this holy and blessed land, in the city of the Nativity,
>which welcomed the prophet of peace and love, Jesus Christ, peace be upon
>''You are welcome to our land and we thank your holiness for undertaking
>this visit, which we have repeatedly hoped that you would undertake.''
>''The Palestinian people value highly your just positions in support of
>its cause and its rightful presence on its homeland as a sovereign and
>independent people.''
>''Today your presence in Bethlehem and at the Dheisheh refugee camp, which
>is inhabited by displaced Palestinian refugees and later on in Jerusalem
>and Jericho, is an act that gives witness to the oneness of God, showing
>that there is no difference between one human being and another as long as
>they are obedient to the Almighty.''
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