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Saya ada menerima ulasan dari seorang Hamba Allah yang
menyentuh tentang perkhidmatan TM Net vs Maxis Net.
Sekadar memanjangkan hujah dan diskusi Hamba Allah
tersebut. Beliau "mungkin" salah seorang penjaring
Hizbi Net. 


-----Original Message-----
From:   XXXX @ hotmail.com 
Sent:   Wednesday, April 19, 2000 10:30 AM
Subject:        Nak komen pasal Maxis Net

Pak Engku,
Dalam kesibukan orang menyebut pasal  Maxis.net  saya
pun rasa pelik . 
Sebabnya, depa  cakap berdegar-degar  macam   depa 
tahu semua , kondem 
sana-kondem  sini . TMNet dihentam habis-habisan  .
Saya bersimpati  
dengan rakan-rakan  saya di  TMNet  yang  berkerja 
sungguh-sugguh  utk  
memastikan  TMNet  ditahap  world class . 

Yang pelik  Pak Engku , apa depa dapat  dok  memuja
maxis.net ? Depa 
tahu ka sapa  di belakang  maxis?   Jangan lah dok
memuja  Maxis  
seolah-olah  syarikat Melayu milik  rakyat  seperti 
TMNet  diperlekeh .  
Jangan lah dok sibuk cakap pasai perjuangan  kalau 
milik  rakyat  hendak 
dikuburkan ?

Saya nak habag mai kat Pak Engku , baru-baru ini
(kira-kira 3minggu 
lepas)  di dalam  satu  kuliah  Tasauf  di satu Masjid
 Besar  yang  di 
bawa oleh  Ustaz  terkenal  Us Abu Bakar Aziz ,  Al
fadzil  Ustaz  ada  
menyebut  " Sesiapa  yang  menjadi  pelanggan  Maxis 
, dari  perspektif  
Tasauf , hukumnya  adalah  HARAM !"   Terkejut  sakan
chek  dan  jamaah  
sekelian . Kupasan  Al-Fadzil  Ustaz  memang  solid .
Tak kiralah  
Maxis.net ka , Astro ka , 182  Access ka , 016 mobile
phone ka   sama 
sajalah  .

 Itupun  ada  orang  nak  melanggan  MAxis ka? 
Perjuangan  apa tu Pak 
Engku ?
Lagi satu Chek nak cakap , apa Melayu dapat  bila 
Maxis  ambik  
British Telekom sebagai  business partner ?  Gaji
Melayu kerja kat Maxis saja 
yang  lumayan , yang hangpa  apa dapat ? Orang-orang 
Telekom dok hepas 
pulas  kerja siang malam untuk  memartabatkan  ummah ,
apa depa dapat ?  
Gajipun tak seberapa ?  Yang hanpa  dok  kondem depa ;
 tak ka zalim  
namanya ?  Keadilan apa yang  hanpa perjuangkan ?

Satu lagi Pak engku , Telekom dok melabug  jutaan RM
utk  menyediakan 
prasarana  telekomunikasi  seantero  negara  , tapi 
tak kan kot Maxis 
atau  Time senang-senang  ketuk  pintu  rumah orang 
dan  cekup  
pelanggan  telekom .  Sapa  rugi ? rakyat juga yang 
rugi ...  ha tu dia , 
eleoklah  cakap  pasai  perjuangan ....!!

Oleh itu pak engku , adalah wajar  kita menyeru
orang-orang yg 
berdegar-degar habag pasai  perjuangan  supaya 
bersama-sama anak bangsa  utk  
memartabatkan  ummah  melalui  Telekom M'sia .   kalau
itupun  depa tak 
boleh , tutup ajelah  diari  perjuangan  anda .

 Asniza Kamarulzaman  wrote:
> > ---forwarded message----
> > From: Zaity Kamarulzaman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > From: "LP Zaayman"  > Subject: Fwd: FW: Truth
About MAxis Free Internet
> > Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 01:47:57 GMT
> >
> >
> >   Maxis is giving free internet and claims that we
> only have to
> >   pay for the connection charges of 3 cents. Is it
> really free? We all
> know
> >   that local calls are charged at 3 cents per
> min.1511 and 1515 are
> >   dedicated  internet lines and get a special rate
> of 1 cent per  minute.
> >
> >   Check out the charges of the following ISP's
> from  what we know:
> >
> >    TMNET : 2.5 cents per min
> >    JARING : 2.5 cents
> >    MAXIS : 3.0 cents
> >    MAXIS : 2.5 cents (for Maxis subscribers)
> >
> >   Not much difference, eh?
> >
> >   Let's break down the REAL charges  :
> >
> >    TMNET : 1.0 cent to Telekom + 1.5 cents to
> TMNet/Jaring = 2.5 cents
> >    JARING : 1.0 cent to Telekom + 1.5 cents to
> TMnet/Jaring = 2.5 cents
> >    MAXIS : 1.0  cent to Telekom + 2.0 cents to
> Maxis  = 3.0 cents.
> >
> >   Say what?
> >
> >   Read on ..
> >
> >   MAXIS obviously gets more than what TM & Jaring
> >   gets. Should we  bother?
> >
> >   Yes and No.
> >
> >   This is a little complicated. MAXIS and Telekom
> had
> >   a prior  agreement for  the provision of VOICE
> lines to
> >   Maxis at a reduced rate of 1 cent per minute. 
> What MAXIS did later was
> to
> > use
> >   those VOICE lines for  internet access. Clearly
> these are not what those
> >   583**** and all the other numbers are for - they
> are supposed to be
> > carrying  VOICE calls and not DATA calls. Telekom
> gave those superior
> rates
> > because
> >   VOICE calls are  usually shorter in duration and
> hence they would make
> > money off calls which last 3 minutes or less. 
> More importantly, because
> of
> > the very nature of
> > VOICE calls, Telekom didn't  provide for a very
> wide bandwith and right
> now
> > Telekom doesn't like it very much.
> >
> >   What does this mean to you and me?
> >
> >   For starters, notice how difficult it is to log
> in  at night? Even with
> >   three alternative numbers? Why? No bandwith
> since  they are supposed
> >   to be carrying voice data. Who gets a raw deal? 
> TMNet, Jaring and
> >   Telekom who spent money on ISP related
> development  but get less. MAXIS
> is
> >   merely piggy backing on the generosity of
> Telekom  who originally
> provided
> >   them with cheap VOICE lines but used it for 
> internet access.
> >   Obviously, sooner or later the network would be 
> unable to support the
> >   number  of MAXIS subsribers. MAXIS then would
> presumably
> >   have to negotiate with  Telekom for provision of
> more lines. But you can
> >   bet your a** that Telekom  will not be charging
> them at 1 cent anymore.
> >
> >   BUT to me all that is irrelevant. What irks me
> are  two things :
> >
> >   1. MAXIS made me believe that I am paying 3
> cents
> >   connection  charges to Telekom when it is NOT
> TRUE. It is
> > MAXIS  who earn two cents. WE  ARE PAYING 2 cents
> to MAXIS for every
> minute
> > we
> >   surf. Is that really free  surfing then??
> >
> >   2. They paint themselves as the innovative and 
> pioneering ISP who
> >   gives free accounts when in fact they are mere 
> opportunist who
> >   capitalised on an agreement which was signed
> with  Telekom but for
> > different
> >   things.
> >
> >   Conclusion? If you are already a subscriber to
> > the  Real ISP's, stick  to them since your bottom
> line phone bill will be
> >   cheaper. If you  don't - well - MAXIS costs
> slightly more and it
> >   saves you the hassle of  form  filling.
> >
> >   And when you hear those self serving ads -
> "nothing  comes for  free
> now"
> > - well you know they are damn right.
> > They  earn two cents for  every  minute and the
> irony is that TMNET and
> > JARING now  appear to be the "old
> >   fashioned" ISP's who charge for registration and
>  monthly fees.
> > MAXIS doesnt  need all that - why should they?
> They are already  earning
> > approximately  16.6% more than Jaring and TMNet
> with this  arrangment!
> >
> >   And they have the gall to parade themselves as
> the  free ISP  provider!!
> >
> >   This is public deceit and is totally
> unnaceptable!!
>  ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body
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> Pengirim: "Asniza Kamarulzaman"

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