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Government of Uzbekistan displays the decline of systems of disbelief

On the April 3rd the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) were informed of
the trial process against 10 members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which took place
from February 16th until April 3rd in Tashkent region court, and interviewed
a human rights organization representative. The interview particularly
contained the following: "This court trial was different from the previous
ones by the very severe verdicts * each of the suspects was sentenced to 20
years of imprisonment and confiscation of property. However, the prosecutor
asked the judges to sentence the suspects to different terms * ranging from
11 to 20 years. The reason, that forced judges to issue such cruel terms
were the sharp ideas contained in the last speech of the Hizb-ut-Tahrir
members, in which they named themselves political prisoners. Nevertheless,
members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir expressed their readiness to take on even life or
death sentences. The absence of witnesses, disregard of invitation by
investigators and obtaining of avowal of guilt under torture * all show that
the process was illegal".

We can add to what was said on the radio, that after the trial ended and
verdict was announced, that the members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir (feeling their
righteousness) hugged and congratulated each other.

In fact, though the prosecutors having "proved" trumped-up charges against
members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which carries an ideological and political call
to Islam, asked the judges for different terms, they (the judges)
disregarded the request and sentenced all of them to 20 years of
imprisonment. This is due to the fact that today the Uzbekistan regime led
by the Jewish unbeliever I. Karimov holds trials of Hizb-ut-Tahrir members,
basing its decisions not on the laws in force, but on fear and hatred of
Islam resulting from their utter defeat. Playing about with ideas like
'legal state' and 'justice', the Uzbekistan regime shows the people of this
country via such unjust rulings in its court cases, how tyrant and deceitful
it is. Moreover, 'the state', claiming to be legitimate (if there is still
anything resembling a state) led by the Jewish unbeliever Karimov, by all
means shows its full ignorance of its own laws in force.

Here arises another question. How is it possible, that with western laws
being applied in Uzbekistan that the system can allow this shameful
injustice, and why western states, being aware of these cruel crimes,
pretend not to notice anything?!

Answer: It is well known, that western laws derived from the doctrine of
separation of religion from life and state are applied all over the world,
including the Islamic world, with Uzbekistan being part of it. It was well
known ahead of time, that this doctrine, being false, could not stand with
the truth, i.e. Islam, and guarantee justice in the world by separating
religion from the life. That is why today, when Islam together with the
Islamic community regains its lost stature, this infamous faith can not
withstand this process and retreats from its own laws, thus showing the
rotten decline of its era. And the main reason, which explains the silence
of its annexationist unbeliever states, spreading their doctrine and
ideology of separation of religion from life in their boundless enmity to
Islam and Muslims. In fact, the tyranny and cruelty of the treacherous
rulers is the end product of the above faithless systems. That is why the
disbelieving states try to get rid of the responsibility for such crimes by
setting up human rights organizations. Because the tyrant rulers of Islamic
countries, afraid of the return of Islam into the life, were brought up and
fostered by the above countries. One obvious example of it is the Jewish
unbeliever Karimov, brought up by such aggressor countries as Russia and

Undoubtedly, this fallacious doctrine of separation of religion from the
life, state, and politics and derived from it the western ideology and
legislation has corrupted the whole world. Therefore, the western ideology
and laws, its states coupled with its menial servants in the Islamic
countries, absolutely do not have any right to govern mankind. In the
meantime Islam by means of ration and clear documentation, has proved the
ineligibility of all other religions, doctrines, ideologies and systems.
Also the pure great Islam, rid of all alien ideas, has brought up
generations of Muslims, who eagerly and patiently keep the truth, despite
facing torture or even death.

Being perfect and complete, Islam has a right to rule the world. And now,
members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, brought up by Islam are eligible to guarantee the
just and equitable rule of the soon to be established Khilafah State.

"And Allah hath full power and control over His affairs; but most among
mankind know it not" [12:21]

Muharram 4, 1421
April 9, 2000


The ruling clan in Uzbekistan is a tyrant and criminal clan!

Today everyone realises that the Islamic world, since the fall of the
Khilafah State in 1924 by the colonial disbelievers, up until today is being
governed by tyrant rulers, who have brought much misfortune and oppression
to Muslims. Amongst this clan there is the ruling clan of Uzbekistan, led by
the Jewish disbeliever Islam Karimov, who is known for his boundless enmity
to Islam.

Since he shamelessly continues to commit wicked crimes against Islam and the
Muslims, we find it necessary to mention some of them. So that Muslims not
only in Central Asia, but also worldwide would be aware of such a criminal
clan, unite and intensify their activities to overthrow and drive them out
from the Islamic lands.

>From March 1st until March 15th, 2000, the Gulistan town of the Sirdarya
district, has witnessed a closed court trial of Hizb-ut-Tahrir Members - 28
years old Islamic scholar Nosirov Hafizullah and 11 of his companions, which
lasted, with several interruptions, 7 (!) days.

There is no need to describe how these Muslims led by Hafizullah calmly
behaved during this unjust court trial. Because this is a natural outcome of
their membership in Hizb-ut-Tahrir, a political party based on Islam. In the
courtroom members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir admitted nothing but carrying out a
political and ideological call to Islam. However, the judges and
prosecutors, regardless of their failure to prove any other accusation in
front of their parents, international observers, and foreign mass media
representatives, added slanderously additional criminal clauses and
sentenced Nosirov Hafizullah for 20 years, Nosirov Saidjamol for 18 years,
Salokhiddinov Samariddin, Taniev Zaynil (Zaynulabidin), Mukhamedjonov
Farkhod, Valikhojaev Odil for 17 years, Azimov Shorkhmat, Kodirov Sharif,
Ilyasov Ikrom, Mamajonov Rustam, Sobitov Bakhodir for 16 years, Tokhtahojaev
Ruziboy for 7 years of imprisonment.

Additionally. On March 14, 2000 a Member of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, a Tashkent
native, handicapped of 2nd degree, 32 years old Inogamov Usman Tursunovich
died in the hospital of a Tashkent prison. (May Allah give him the status of
martyr. May all Muslims pray for him). On June 16, 1999 he delivered a
leaflet of Hizb-ut-Tahrir dated 14th June, 1999 to the head of the religious
committee of Uzbekistan Muslims Abdurashid Bakhromov and asked to provide
proofs of his slanderous fatwahs (conclusions) regarding Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
This tyrant mufti, instead of answering, called police staff and submitted
Usman and his companion Bakhtiyor Musaev to them. However, people of
Uzbekistan have not yet forgotten the promise of this liar mufti which was
made in a TV appearance: "I and other Imams promise to struggle against
Hizb-ut-Tahrir using ideological means"... Well, this is the "ideology" of
the treacherous mufti, who chose to obey a Jewish leader! Clearly, this
tyrant clan does not have any other ideology.

One more thing to mention. When Usman was tortured, in spite of his serious
illness - a heavy form of cancer - with the intention of making him seek
forgiveness from the authorities, he replied:

"Only death can stop me from this road".

And he was also tried and sentenced to 2.5 years of penitentiary during a
closed court trial on the 23rd of August, 1999 in Sirdarya district.
However, considering his illness, the court should have let him go.

Here arises a question - why are members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir being sentenced
to such long and cruel terms by these marionette courts? Allah (swt) the
Most High in His answer says:

"And they ill-treated them for no other reason than that they believed in
Allah, Exalted in Power, Worthy of all Praise". [TMQ 85:8]

Therefore, it is enough for simple people to take a closer look at two
specific points of these court trials to get to know the real criminals.
Firstly, that Muslims are tried in small inner cities, even though they
lived and carried out Islamic activities in Tashkent (which has many
courtrooms), and secondly, that these trials are kept closed from the
general public. Is it not strange, that if the Muslims are criminals and
outlaws, then why not openly try them before the people, rather than try
them in closed courts? The answer is that the ruling clan in Uzbekistan, led
by the Jewish disbeliever, knows perfectly well, that these lands are
Islamic lands, the people are Muslims, and that their faith, laws,
traditions and history are all Islamic. By the same token, the authorities
know that the members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, who are calling Muslims to live
their lives according to Islam are not criminals, as they know there is no
evidence they can present to justify their oppression or prove any crime
against them. That is why, despite its dominance, this ruling clan does not
dare to try Muslims openly.

Look at the face of this clique! From president to mufti, they all declare
the "struggle of idea against idea, faith against faith", but in reality
they loathsomely oppress the callers of Islam.

And now look at the Members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, who are tortured, persecuted
and prosecuted by the authorities! They openly, and in the sight of all
people uncover the actual state of the ruler by saying:  "You are a tyrant,
Jewish unbeliever". And openly and immediately, face to face call Muslims to
resume Islamic life. Why, being persecuted and oppressed, do members of
Hizb-ut-Tahrir carry out their activities openly? Because they know they are
on the right path, when they call Muslims to Islam their most expected
desire and the only means of their liberation. Therefore, they are not
outlaws, but the real sons of this pure land and Ummah. At the same time,
the Jewish disbeliever Karimov is an absolute alien to Muslims, and the
Western laws he tries to apply here are totally contrary to Islam. Knowing
all this, he rules the Muslims of Uzbekistan not by mutual consent, but by
force, terror and deceit. That is why his presidency, state, constitution
and laws, and the sentences and verdicts issued by his court and judges are
legally worthless in the eyes of Islam and Muslims.

Moreover, due to his boundless enmity to Islam, Karimov constantly directs
the law enforcement forces against the callers to Islam, and in doing so he
makes them openly break the law and use wicked means. For example, judges
and prosecutors heartlessly sentence Muslims to long prison terms in full
discord with the law; the prison authorities and supervisors keep Muslims
who are ill in prison, photograph and torture them. Regrettably, the
majority of them are Muslim sons, yet perform all of these things in trying
to please a Jew. However, Allah (swt) the Most High says:

"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be satisfied with you unless you
follow their form of religion" [TMQ 2:120]

Well, the constant breaking of law and crimes committed by law enforcement
bodies, which are an inseparable part of the government, show how faceless,
criminal and wicked this government is. Consequently, the ruling clan of
Uzbekistan, led by the Jewish disbeliever Karimov is an oppressive, tyrant
and stinking clan.

Dear Muslims of Uzbekistan!

This tyrant transgressor attacks you by arresting and torturing your best
sons, while pursuing his own dirty interests. This is truly so because these
Muslim sons dedicate their lives to Islam - your sacred religion and your
sacred responsibility. It becomes necessary for you to join, support and
protect them. Because Allah (swt) the Most High says:

"The believers are but a single Brotherhood" [TMQ 49:10] Believers are but
one brotherhood: 'in this life and in the Hereafter'.

Otherwise, this indifference can turn into indifference to you both in this
live and in the life of the hereafter.

"O you who believe! Betray not the trust of Allah and the Messenger, nor
misappropriate knowingly things entrusted to you!" [TMQ 8:27]

Dear Muslims!

Since the abolition of such tyrant clans not only in Uzbekistan, but in the
whole Islamic world can only be achieved through the establishment of the
Khilafah State, then you will have to work seriously for the establishment
of such a state which will govern life according to the Qur'an and the
Sunnah, bring and offer Islam to the world as a guiding light and protect
the Muslims, in full compliance with the method of the Messenger of Allah

"O ye who believe! Give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He
calls you to that which will give you life". [TMQ 8:24]

18 Dhul Hijah, 1420 AH
24 March, 2000 CE

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