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>From: bibah>
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>  <  Sila hantarkan mel anda ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]         >
>  <  Hizbi-Muslimat-Net : Membina Muslimat Pembangun Ummah >
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Assalamualaikum wr wbt rakan muslimah dan saudara2 seIslam...
>I agreed with Dayang... the main point is the misconception of Islam
>Im reading again and again on the 12 reason wrote by ukhtie Fatimah
>Mohamad of Kelana Jaya, try to catch up what did she mean by
>meantioning herself as a progressive Muslim women,,.. and yet I
>found & conclude that her writing not even reflect the term
>"progressive Muslim women"...
>I myself even feel shy to regard myself as such... there is still a lot to
>learn .. yet Allah knowledge is so wide.. may be today, you think you
>understand ISlam and claim you're a muslim.. but the very next day,
>when ppl tell you something how beautiful ISlam is.. then you start to
>think back.. Do I really know Islam...??? Do I really love Allah and
>those creature He created for us to think of ..
>As a Muslim - our main duty is to obey Allah..
>TO Obey Allah mean to accept AlQuran and Sunnah..
>To accept AlQuran and Sunnah is to understand/learn the whole
>To understand/learn whole the contents, we need to read, discuss and
>study it ... not for certain period but for the rest of our life.
>Once we understood the contents... then why should we need to have
>those listed infinity reason for not accepting Islam as a way of our life.
>Once we understood the contents.. why should we complain for
>unable to wear those fashionable attire which is not regards as
>muslimah attire.. why should we want others to stare at our hair and
>entire body IF we have understood that Allah order muslim women to
>cover except the face and 2 hand  in order to avoid 'fitnah'.. refer to
>surah annuur:31 and alahzab:59.
>Once we understood... why should we want to devalue ourself  IF we
>have understood  that Islam actually give high prestige to muslim
>women... men & women are created to work hand-in-hand, ... and
>whatever they do, there is a 'profit' awaiting at a same rate, .. refer
>Once we understood... why should we complain when we're no longer
>able view the movies, shows,concerts which lead us to maaksiat ...
>Dont we feel ashamed to Allah for spending our precious hour for the
>things that make us apart from Rahmat Allah, since watching those
>show make us forget Allah and we're actually expose ourself to be
>friend/associate with syaitan.... while at the same time, we are actually
>able to attend 'majlis ilmu' to gain another Islamic knowledge, or
>attending gathering of our bro & sis in Islam to tie-up the ukhwah... or
>do other ibaadahs such as a welfare program like visiting/helping poor
>community, helping the helpless... etc... we can make an infinity list..
>Once we understood the content.. we should we worry that our
>Muslim cant reach the full potential in life... as a muslim we have to
>fine very clearly what kind of full potential we want to achieve.. If we
>have understood that Islam encourage the ummah to seek for
>knowledge., since we're in the cradle to the grave.. ANd as a women,
>we are free to make up our potential to fullest as what Islam
>prescribed... does being a supermodel, famous actress or such is
>parellal to what prescribed in Alquran & sunnah...??
>I wish I could write more.. sorry I only touch this issue just on top of
>the iceberg... I cant even dig deeper.. it's really a time constraint.. 
>gives us 24 hrs.. so many things to be done, yet so little we could ever
>do.. I need to get back to my work..
>Whatever is true is from Allah.. the weaknesses is from my ownself..
>Your sister in Islam...
>p/s: Im not joining any other mailing list except muslmat-hizbi net.. so
>sdr/sdri RDCenter.. pls feel free to fwd to the respective person..
>On 11 May 00, at 4:42, crystal clear wrote:
> >
> >  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >  <  Sila hantarkan mel anda ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]         >
> >  <  Hizbi-Muslimat-Net : Membina Muslimat Pembangun Ummah >
> >  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> > Assalamu'alaikum wrt..
> >
> > All I could say is just a misconception of Islam itself...People had
> > never been informed how does hudud work..never been told that hudud is
> > very detail and each issue will be taken in a very careful manner..all
> > of these are allegations that based on ingnorance...nothing more and
> > nothing less...
> >
> > Islam would never sentence a woman who had never been taught abt
> > Islam...Islam has a great consideration on woman that had been
> > suppressed..
> >
> > Islam had upgraded woman status in any part of the world..Woman had
> > been suppressed for such a long time...It's not islam that had a
> > beleif that woman is just for fulfilling man's sex desires..but woman
> > and man work hand in hand..as mentioned in one verse..."woman is the
> > helper for the man"..and "the man is the protector of the woman"...
> >
> > By segregating Islam from our lives, we are approaching the same
> > standard as before....walking in the street in a clothes that we want
> > people to stare at us..to look at us..indirectly make us the slave of
> > other ppls eyes..especially the men....Islam had never separated the
> > women from the society..i.e. saidatina Khadijah is a succesful
> > businesswoman that no woman today reaches her status yet, I presumed.
> > Saidatina Aisyah is a well known scholar..she could memorise thousands
> > of hadith and lots of hukm ..laws and regulations. Saidatina Fatimah
> > r.a. is a wonderful woman..hardworking and patience.  There is also a
> > woman strategist (I cant remember her name)..but the money that she
> > provided so that Makkah will always be supplied with water by building
> > a very big dam that surrounded Makkah is another example...The list
> > can go on and on...
> >
> > In Greek or Roman empires, women never been mentioned as one of the
> > great achievers...or great scholars...they were no more than sex
> > slaves for men at that time...but when Islam came, the status had been
> > changed.
> >
> >
> > As far as Family Law is concerned..women have their own rights to ask
> > for divorce if it happens that the husband acts violently towards them
> > or their rights (according to syariah) been oppressed.  There are two
> > type of divorce that women are allowed to, namely Khuluq and Fasakh..
> >
> > All the worries that had been written are just based on the
> > misconception that we have in our mind.  We had never been informed
> > that the islamic Law looks at things very carefully and in a very
> > considerate manner.
> >
> >
> > Will write again later...
> >
> > wassalam
> >
> > just my two cents
> >
> >
> > dayang
> >
> >
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