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ini jwbnye...


--- killer fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
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> Assalamualaikum wbt,
> Samad ("‘Disturbing' viewpoint of Suhakam member",
> May
> 3) seems perplexed why enlightened and progressive
> Muslims like Zainah Anwar and A. Farish Noor do not
> support PAS, while non-Muslims like Singh, Mary Tan
> and S. Jayasankaran welcome PAS as an alternative to
> Barisan Nasional.
> Let me enlighten Samad. As a progressive Muslim
> woman,
> I will give 12 reasons why I pray to God five times
> a
> day that PAS will never rule this country:
> 1. I worry that my Chinese sister-in-law whose
> marriage to my brother is on the rocks will
> eventually
> divorce him and go back to the bosom of her family
> and
> leave Islam. Under the PAS hudud law she will be
> deemed an apostate and sentenced to death. She's a
> wonderful friend and mother whose big mistake was to
> marry my spoilt and selfish brother. I cannot, in
> all
> conscience, stand by and watch the mother of my
> beautiful nieces and nephew be sentenced to death
> for
> choosing to go back to her original faith and
> support
> system after suffering for years at the hands of a
> bad
> husband.
> 2. I worry that should my daughter or nieces or I be
> raped and we are unable to produce four pious males
> who witnessed the penetration, we will be charged
> and
> found guilty for illicit sex under the PAS hudud
> law.
> Reports from Pakistan point out that thousands of
> Pakistani women in jail are rape
> victims who have been found guilty for zina because
> they were unable to produce the four male witnesses
> required to prove rape. 
> And there are many more thousands of women who do
> not
> report rape, knowing that they would be charged for
> zina because of their inability to prove rape
> according to the requirements of the hudud law. If
> the
> Syariah Courts in Malaysia cannot even implement the
> Islamic Family Law according to the substance and
> spirit of the law, what hope do I have that the same
> religious authorities would be able to implement any
> other Islamic law to ensure that justice is done?
> 3. I worry that should I find the courage to
> publicly
> stand up and speak out against the PAS hudud law, I
> will be condemned as an apostate and be sentenced to
> death as pronounced by Ustaz Hadi Awang and many
> other
> ulama.
> 4. I worry that the Islamic Family Law which grants
> women the right to divorce, and to a share of the
> matrimonial property, and which provides for strict
> conditions for polygamy (no matter how flawed the
> implementation) will be repealed or amended to
> conform
> to the medieval PAS view of women as nothing more
> than
> chattels, sex objects and evil temptresses who
> should
> be kept hidden and silenced.
> 5. I worry that the Domestic Violence Act which
> makes
> it a crime for a husband to beat his wife will be
> deemed unIslamic because of the orthodox belief that
> a
> Muslim man has a right to beat his wife.
> 6. I worry that Islam will be used to silence the
> women's groups that now champion the rights of women
> and put pressure on the government to amend laws and
> policies that discriminate against women.
> 7. I worry that the films I now see, the concerts,
> dances and plays I attend will all be deemed
> unIslamic
> and a source of maksiat and will be banned under a
> government. Or that only non-Muslims can attend such
> events, while I have to listen only to Raihan.
> 8. I worry that my best friend who is a dancer will
> no
> longer be able to perform on stage because she is a
> Muslim woman, just as her friends in Kelantan have
> lost that right to partake in their love for the
> Malay
> performing arts.
> 9. I worry that I will not be able to move about
> freely and wear whatever clothes I want without a
> moral vigilante force stopping me in the streets and
> poke and beat me with a stick for not covering my
> hair
> and my arms as the practice in Iran over the past 20
> years under mullah rule.
> 10. I worry that should the Barisan Alternatif win
> power, PAS as the biggest force within the
> coalition,
> will eliminate its democratic and progressive
> partners
> and turn this country into a fascist Islamic
> republic,
> as happened in Iran.
> 11. I worry that while my Chinese and Indian friends
> will be able to reach their full potential and live
> life fully, the Malays of this country will be
> shackled and crippled intellectually, emotionally,
> spiritually, left even further behind in all fields
> because of so many restrictions on their rights,
> their
> creativity, their freedoms, all done in the name of
> religion. 
> Just the thought of it already leaves me debilitated
> physically. I know my Muslims friends and I don't
> have
> the strength to fight the relentless assault of
> religious bigots.
> 12. I worry that a cultural and religious apartheid
> system will develop in this multi-racial country,
> with
> separate rights and separate public spaces for
> Muslims
> and non-Muslims. It will eventually lead to the
> collapse and impoverishment of Malaysian society. I
> fear the consequences because this is the only home
> I
> know.
> Ada sape-sape nak komen ???
> Regards
> Fatimah Mohamad
> Kelana Jaya
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