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The recent fighting in the Philippines against the Muslim rebels in
the south is one of the longest struggle in history. It started when
the Spanish colonized the Philippines and wants to convert everyone
to Christianity.

For more than four hundred years the Muslim Filipino remain faithful
to Islam and resist any form of subjugation. To the present time the
Muslims of the Philippines has remain a distinct and different people
from the rest of the Philippines. Today, the fighting have
intensified between the Muslims fighting for an independent Islamic
State against the government.

The MILF, as of this moment has been engaged in intense fighting with
the government. The government will do anything to erase any threat
that the Muslims might pose against the government. The kidnapping in
Malaysia by a certain group of terrorist rebels known as the ABU
SAYYAF is all part of the government plan.

The truth of the matter is the Philippine Government created ABU
SAYYAF to justify its use of force against the Muslims in the

It all started when the late President Marcos during the early 1970's
created a group of Muslims to be trained as a special force to
infiltrate Sabah and destroy military and other logistic positions of
the Malaysian forces for a subsequent invasion of the Philippine on
the state of Sabah, which until now is being claimed by the

But the plan went wrong when the Muslims disobeyed the orders. So the
government had no choice but to kill all of them. The killing was
later called the 'JABIDAH MASSACRE'. One of the Muslims survive to
tell the story to the world.

In reaction to it the Muslims of the Philippines formed the Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) to fight the government against all
oppression and injustices. But its leader, Nur Misuari, the Chairman
of MNLF, never succeeded because he is more interested with money and
power. So the MNLF finally give up arms and surrender to the
government. They abandon their aim to create an Islamic State for the
Muslims of the Philippines.

Their failure was attributed to the tactics used by the government to
create a group of Muslims that will destroy and taint the good name
of Muslims. The government wants the Muslims who are fighting for a
separate Islamic State to be branded as International Terrorists,
killers, kidnappers, and extortionists so that nobody will support
them, so that other countries will despise them, so that the rest of
the world will hate them, so that they will never achieve their aim
of an Independent Islamic State for themselves where they could
practice their faith, where they could live in peace without their
lands being taken away, to live in peace without their house being

The government will never allow the creation of an Islamic State in
Mindanao. The first ABU SAYYAF was created by the Government of the
Philippines under the Ramos Administration (1992-1998). The main
purpose of the ABU SAYYAF is to damage, destroy, tarnish, and to make
sure that any bid or attempt by any legitimate Muslims group, such as
the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front), to launch a bid for
independence is thwarted. It was headed by certain Abdul Rajak
Janjalani. Their orders were/are to commit terrorist acts such as
kidnapping, attacking towns, and committing bombings whenever the
Administration is under fire or under the scrutiny of the press or a
bid for independence is strengthening among the Muslims of the

The ABU SAYYAF, was so successful in destroying the image of the
Muslim struggle for independence that it resulted to the surrender of
the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). When the present
administration under President Estrada made contact with Abdul Rajak
Janjalani, the former leader of ABU SAYYAF, he refused and prove
uncooperative with the aim of the government. The government decided
then to eliminate him. Then they contacted another person who was
more willing to be a puppet for the government.

When the Estrada Administration was under intense pressure from all
sectors of society to resign and the people are protesting the
massive corruption and incompetence in the government, and the
fighting in the MILF and the Government broke out, the Administration
ordered ABU SAYYAF to launch a kidnapping so that the attention of
the media and the people will be diverted and the call for the
resignation of President Estrada will subside.

But the ABU SAYYAF will not follow the order of the Government unless
their families are safe from any harm and they will be guaranteed
food and security throughout the mock kidnapping. The Government
agreed with this request, so it ordered Governor Wahab (the Governor
of Basilan) to guarantee the safety of the relatives of the ABU

When ABU SAYYAF finally committed the kidnapping, Governor Wahab
ordered his men to "kidnap" the relatives of the ABU SAYYAF. By
kidnapping them they have been placed in the safest place possible
with 24 hours bodyguards and enough food and shelter. The subsequent
threats and counter threats from the group of Governor Wahab and the
ABU SAYYAF are all part of the show to deceive us all.

The ABU SAYYAF group received further order from the Estrada
Administration to sensationalize the kidnapping. The Government
ordered ABU SAYYAF to get the greatest media exposure they could get.
The ABU SAYYAF obliged so they requested Robin Padilla (an movie
actor and a Muslim convert) to be the negotiator so that the case
will be sensationalized. They also requested 200 sacks of rice and
food enough to last for three months or more. Aside from this, the
Estrada Administration further requested the ABU SAYYAF to make
demands that are impossible to give and to make demands that will
link them to international terrorism and to admit that they are being
funded by international terrorists.

Although this managed to work in the local scene because since the
ABU SAYYAF hit the news the scrutiny, the criticism, the move for
President Estrada to resign disappear. But on the international scene
it was not that effective. So the Government contacted another group
to launch a kidnapping in Malaysia. The order is to kidnap anybody
except Americans, since the U.S. is believed to be one of the
sponsors of this puppet show.

At first the group decline to do so because they are afraid hat the
Malaysian Patrol Boat might catch them. The Philippine Government
adviced them not to be afraid because the Philippine Navy will assist
them in kidnapping. Since the Malaysian Patrol Boat and the
Philippine Patrol Boat knows each other route and location- this
information is vital for the success of the operation for the
kidnapping in Malaysia- when the Malaysian Patrol Boat are away the
Philippine Patrol Boat contacted the kidnappers that they are now
free to launch the kidnapping.

Why? Malaysia. Malaysia is the believe to be the transport line
between the MILF and the resources they want. By creating a rift
between Malaysia and the Muslims of the Philippine the Government can
finally cut the line of supply that support the MILF. By the time
they launch their attack on the MILF main base and started its policy
of genocide against the Muslims of the Philippines no help will be

Second, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) will be having a
conference on Malaysia, what could have been a better way and a
better time, to show to them that all this rebel in the Philippines
are but terrorist and kidnappers. Another thing its the easiest
target and the only way Government could justify its act of genocide.

When the Russians want to commit genocide in Chechen, they first need
some justification, so they started bombing Moscow and blame it on
the Chechens. When this happen they get the support of the Russian
people and launch the genocide.

This is the same tactics being used by the Erap Administration. What
are the immediate result of the ABU SAYYAF kidnapping. All move to
unseat Pres. Estrada disappear the imminent coup is gone since most
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines are sent to Mindanao. The
Government is now justified to launch an ALL OUT WAR AGAINST ALL
are the future effect? Once the fghting escalate between the
Government and the MILF the President Estrada might declare a state
of emergency on parts of Mindanao and put it under Martial Law. This
would result in the massive death and destruction of the life and
lands of the Muslims of the Philippines.

Think about this if the ABU SAYYAF is not an intrument of the
Philippine Government.

1. How come the government is not attacking them when they have no

2. How come the government is giving them all the media exposure

3. How come the ABU SAYYAF is always asking for illogical and
irrational demand which they themselves know that the government
cannot accomplish.

4. How come they are always proud to brandish themselves as linked
with international terrorists.

5. How come the Philippine Government with its Military force could
not crush a tiny bandits composed of less a hundred men.

No Separatist Group, seeking for an independent state, will even dare
upset the international community or will ever linked themselves with
any terrorist acts. Because they know the survival of their cause
will always depend on the support of the international community. But
they is what the ABU SAYYAF is doing. They are violating the very
basic principle of rebellion. This will lead us to conclude that the
ABU SAYYAF is nothing but an instrument of the Philippine Government
to counteract any bid for Independence by any legitimate Muslim group
to have their own State.

The Abu Sayyaf also serve as a tool for diverting the attention of
the media and the people whenever the Administration is in distress.

(Courtesy of Ali bin Khalid [EMAIL PROTECTED])

AKAS International


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