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A Call Addressed to the Muslim Scholars and Preachers and to Anyone Who has Jealousy 
of Islam - by MILF Chairman - Syaikh Hasyim Salamat

23 Jamadi al-thani 1414 H. 
(Translated by Ustadz Abu Zahir from Arabic to English)


In brief, it is such system which victimized us to suffer ignorance, sickness and 
chaotic condition. It also resulted into the outbreak of anarchy, dissension, 
indulgence in looting, liquor drinking, gambling, telling lies and treachery, knowing 
that treacherous system only beget treachery. 

Likwise tyranny and corruption beget tyranny and cooruption respectively. Under such a 
corrupt system, everything is corrupted. Even a number of government servants who 
sincerely do their oficial 
duties are fallen victim of the corrupt environment as they cannot help engrossing in 
the prevailing evil practices. 

In the quest for justice and equity, our only alternative is to destroy the entire 
system and replace it with the Islamic system, a system which undeniably champions the 
true faith, virtuous deed, right character, consultation, justice and equity. In other 
words, our standard in replacing the prevailing evil system is no other than Islam 
known to be the precise practice of our excellent example and model-the Prophet of 
Islam (SAW). 

As regard the method of replacing the corrupt system, the most effective way is to 
carry out "Islamic call" (da'wah), to enjoin righteousness and forbid evil, to keep 
the word of Allah Supreme through active and pragmatic jihad by our persons, our 
belongings, and our very life and blood. Absolutely, no other alternative is to avail. 

Alright, all what you have to do if you are frustrated and you have lost 
self-confidence to the extent that you see yourselves weak, inefficient and of no 
match to the enemy whom you perceive great and strong, is to contemplate the Qur'an 
and the teachings of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) described as sunnah.. You also have 
to make a thorough reflection of the history. 

It is by then that you will realize the real reason behind the series of victories and 
triumphs achieved by the Muslims in several centuries of their struggle against their 
enemies, despite of being outnumbered 
and outfitted. 

The only key to the miraculous victories achieved buy our noble ancestors and old 
generations was their jihad for the cause of Allah emanated from true faith, 
unshakable belief in the cause and 
above all absolute confidence in Allah's aid, coupled with right perception of the 
Islamic teachings. 

No other than that key can be traced. Therefore, any other cause of  victory to be 
claimed, or whatever interpretation found to be on the contrry in this respect is an 
obvious slander, ignorance,cowardice, laziness, lethargy and indifference. 

It is by contemplating the Qur'an and the sunnah as well as by thorough reflection of 
the history of the Islamic nations that we realize the fact that the only way for the 
rescue of our people from the grip of humility, degradation and inferiority complex is 
to be active in pragmatic jihad for the cause of Allah to keep the supremacy of His 

To this end, rising up with arm, systematic organization and mobilization is very 
esential. Any other solution to the problem is of no avail. In fact, it oly hampers 
the steps towards success, triumph and victory. 

Could it not suit to prove how effective jihad is for the achievement of victory that 
a mere revival of Islam in the life of the Muslims strikes terror in the hearts of the 
enemies? We may ask ourselves on why the enemies are hostile to the Islamic preaching 
or any serious attempt to have Islamic system practiced in the Islamic countries. 

This is because they perceive the role played by Islam in refreshing the lives of the 
Muslim peoples and in strengthening their spirit of jihad for the cause of Allah so as 
to enable them to thwart the aggressors or to block the ambitious desire of the enemy 
to dominate their people and homeland. 

The enemies are  also anxious that such jihad for the cause of Allah will eventually 
provide the Muslims with the capability to lead the world toward justice,equity and 

It should be understood that jihad for the cause of Allah is the real criterion and 
standard in the distinction between those who are true to their word in defending 
Islam and the Muslims in one hand, and the impostors who are pretending to raise the 
symbol of Islam for its well being and for the welfare of the Muslim peoples in the 
other hand. 

The impostors concerned are making various justifications in abandoning jihad, saying 
that jihad is not prescribed upon everybody. If it is done by anybody the rest are no 
longer required to do so. 

Another justification in tarying behind the mujahidin is that armed jihad is no lnger 
prescribed. What is prescribed is the major jihad (jihad al-nafs) or self-constraint 
which could be carried out, according to 
these impostors, by concentrating on "da'wah" activities or by sitting inside 
classrooms an teach. 

They even go to the extent of saying that jihad is not to be done while some Muslims 
are not praying and not fasting. More justifications are heard from them. 

Those who are expressing such words of justification are either hypocrites or 
impostors. Actually, they conspire with the enemies in waging war against Islam and 
the Muslims. They must be ignorant of Islam. In fact, they must be cowards. Such kind 
of people do not desreve to affiliate themeselves to Islam. 

Islam never tolerate cowardice because it is the religion brought by the bravest of 
all creatures-the Prophet of Islam (SAW)- Islam is a religion of bravery, magnanimity, 
heroic sacrifice, struggle, desire for martyrdom in the cause of Allah as eagerness 
for bliss after death. 

Moreover, Islam is a religion of honor, virtue, righteousness, progress and wellbeing 
of mankind. Islam is not a religion of humulity, disgrace and degradation, nor is it a 
religion of subservience and subduing to 
the infidels and hypocrite laymen. 

History substantiates that Islam is the only religion which has never tolerated and 
will never tolerate subservience and kneeling down before any tyrant and arrogant 


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