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'We have to fight forever' 
 (Last of two parts)
EDITOR'S NOTE: INQUIRER Mindanao Bureau Chief Carolyn A. Arguillas interviewed Salamat 
Hashim, chair of the 
Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in his base in Camp Abubakar, Maguindanao last 
Saturday. The following are excerpts from her interview. 

Q. You say you won't stop until independence is gained. So what's the purpose of the 
peace negotiations? 

A. To convince the Philippine government it is better for them to pave the way for the 
peaceful and democratic return of the 
independence of the Bangsamoro homeland. 

By this, the Philippine government will not be embarrassed, will not spend so much 
money. So instead of spending P40 million 
every day for military operations against the MILF, it is better to spend that on the 
people who are suffering. 

Not only the Bangsamoro are suffering. There are many people in the Philippines who 
are suffering from poverty, sickness, lack 
of education. 

Instead of spending money in fighting the MILF, it's better for the government to pave 
the way for a referendum so it can spend 
the money intended for war for the benefit of the poor  Filipinos. 

Q. Very easily said but that's very difficult to do. 

A. That is why we have to fight for it. 

Q. I was told most of your ammunition are coming from the military? 

A. Come from military but of course we're getting the money (to pay for it) from our 
people and if there is no war, our people 
will not contribute. So why should they give the MILF if there is no war? 

It is only because of the war that people give us money. If there is no war, who will 
give us? Nobody. 

Q. But isn't that perpetuating a cycle? 

 A. No, it is not. The idea here is for us to persuade the  Philippine government to 
pave the way for peaceful return of  freedom 
and self-determination to the Bangsamoro people rather than use the military because 
on the part of the MILF, if Philippine 
government will not continue with the idea that it is not possible to grant 
independence to us, we have to fight forever. 

Which is better? Fighting forever or solving the  problem now and letting the 
Bangsamoro regain freedom and 

Q. Your bullets and firearms, some of these are purchased from the military. We're 
just using the same bullets to kill each other. 

A. Yes. Bullets of the military, bullets of the government. Coming from government. 

Q. But it's also become the bullet of the MILF. Isn't this... 

A. This is also supportive to the idea that the military wants to continue fighting 
not because they are targeting the MILF but 

If the AFP merely wants to (fight us), they should not sell their bullets to the MILF. 
This means the MILF is not the real enemy. 
The real enemy is the administration. If the MILF is  the real enemy, why are they 
selling bullets to the MILF? 

Q. Poverty is a major issue in this fight. Neglect, etc.. You maintain a large army. 
You spend a lot of money on ammunition. 
Don't you think also that that money is best spent on... 

A. Well most of the money, we are spending for ammunition. We know we cannot get this 
money if there is no fighting. That is 
the reason why we don't mind to continue the war. 

Q. At the moment, the OIC recognizes only the MNLF as sole representative. Libya's 
former ambassador here, Rajab 
Azzarouq, had been visiting you, Libyan President Khadaffy's  son had been visiting 

Would you still need the adherence of Misuari for a joint undertaking to make a 
stronger representation to the OIC that it 
should also recognize the MILF? 

A. If the agreements (with the MNLF) supported by the OIC  succeeded, there will be no 
reason for the OIC to support the 
MILF but because all the efforts of the OIC failed, the problem  is not solved. We 
feel the OIC has no alternative except to 
change its position, adopt another policy. 

Let us see what will happen. Now I am telling you we are very optimistic that the  OIC 
instead of recognizing the MNLF will 
recognize us. You'll  see what will happen in three months' time. 

Q. I know. In June. When the OIC meets in Kuala Lumpur. Which is why President Estrada 
is insisting on a June deadline. 

A. (Smiles). We'll see what will happen. 

Q. But you have a third rival of sorts. The Philippine  government is lobbying for 
transfer of the MNLF observer status in the 
OIC to the government. 

A. But it will be stupid to do that. With the failure of the Tripoli  Agreement, the 
SPCPD, ARMM, I think the OIC is so stupid 
if it will allow Philippine government to be (observer) in OIC. That is impossible. 

Q. How come you're not chairman of the peace panel? It baffles  me. 

A. I am not Misuari. If I were Misuari, then I'd be the chairman of the peace panel. 
But I'm not Misuari. 

Q. Or are you just scared perhaps that if an agreement is reached with you as chair of 
MILF peace panel and the agreement is 
not implemented, you'll end up like Misuari. 

A. We're a well-organized organization. The central committee of the MILF can appoint 
anybody to negotiate. It is not 
necessary for the chairman to negotiate. 

Q. What would your separate country be like given that Mindanao right now is composed 
of 24 provinces and 20 cities and 
nearly 500 towns. You listed down... 

A. Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi and Sulu and also certain 
municipalities in Lanao del Norte, North 
Cotabato, Zamboanga, South Cotabato, Sarangani, Davao,  Sultan Kudarat. 

Q. Government is saying you just cannot do that. That if there's a referendum at all, 
it will not be just within those 
Moro-dominated areas because this would mean  dismemberment of the country. 

A. The kind of referendum would depend on the demand of the people. If it's possible 
the referendum would be throughout 
Mindanao, let us ask the people what they want. Those who vote for independence, those 
who remain, let them. We believe 
this is the most peaceful way. Just ask the people. Those provinces choosing 
independence, let them be independent. Let it be 
like that. So there's no problem. 

Q. There may be no problem from your point of view but this would be viewed as 
dismembering the country. 

A. When the Philippine government annexed our homeland, it was illegal and immoral. 
And since the annexation of the 
Bangsamoro homeland was illegal and immoral, then we're not dismembering the country. 

This is not originally part of the Philippines. Annexation is a violation of human 
rights. This will show the Philippine government 
is a barbarous government, a perpetrator of human rights violations. 

Now we ask the  Philippine government to pave the way for the peaceful and  democratic 
return of independence to our 
people or we will fight forever. 

History has shown our people fought for over 300 years the Spaniards and the 
Americans. If our ancestors managed to fight 
that long, the present generation can fight the Philippine government forever. 

So which is better? Fight forever or solve the problem democratically? 

Q. Let us grant a referendum is held and these Moro-dominated provinces vote for 
independence and that you get it. What 
kind of country would that be when even the territory is not contiguous? 

A. Geographical location is artificial. It's people making geographical location. 
There was no America before. 

The Philippine territory was established by imperialists, not by people of the 
Philippines. Therefore, it is not permanent. 

Q. Wouldn't it be better, wouldn't you have a stronger voice if the MNLF and the MILF 
come together and negotiate on behalf 
of the Bangsamoro people? Is that possible? 

 A. The MNLF actually negotiated for the Bangsamoro people and the MNLF failed because 
the agreements reached did not 
solve the problem. 

We welcome Misuari if he wants to join us, if he accepts his failures. We will accept 
him. He is very, very welcome. Matter of 
fact he came here three times already. 

Q. Most of the negotiations that go into what you would call a peace agreement are 
those done through the backroom. Back 

For instance, isn't part of what would be considered as backroom deal (Secretary 
Robert) Aventajado's coming over, forging 

A. Whatever agreement will be reached through back channels will also be passed to the 
negotiating panel to finalize it. For 
example, Aventajado comes here and we happen to agree on something, this is usually 
finalized by the negotiating panel. 

It is possible that these back channel activities will also help in achieving 

Q. This is a very long struggle and it is very costly not only in terms of lives but 
resources. How do you sustain an army? 

A. The barbarous operation of the Armed Forces of the Philippines is helping us. The 
burning of mosques, houses. Even 
without asking for contribution from the Muslim world, they will come and contribute 
to us, help us. 

If there is peace, if there is nothing happening, then it is very difficult for us to 
solicit from local people and outside the country. 
But most of the Muslims all over the world are very sensitive people. 

When they hear Muslim brothers in other areas are being oppressed,  mosques are 
desecrated, then even if you do not ask for 
contribution, they come, like what happened in Bosnia, Kosovo, etc. But if there is 
peace, they never help. 

 Q. But it is also possible that some of your forces are instigating the fighting so 
the military will retaliate. 

A. We could not do that. It's not easy to fight. Nobody wants to fight actually. It is 
stupid to instigate fighting. 

They're the ones to suffer. If they don't get killed, they suffer from hunger. It is 
difficult. So no one will instigate. 

Q. Why did Secretary Aventajado have to say transform the  MILF camps into economic 
zones when your camps are unlike 
the government military camps but are economic zones by themselves. 

A. Yes, but I think it is part of the counterinsurgency program of government to offer 
development. We welcome these offers. 
When government said it will convert these camps into economic zones, we didn't mind. 

Let them convert these into economic zones so we will have something to support our  
needs. The most difficult thing is survival 
of our armed forces here. 

We're maintaining 10,000 fighting men inside the camp so we really need the economic 
development of Mr. Aventajado to 
support that 10,000 fighting men. 

 Q. But isn't that agreeing to government's... 

A. You see, our revolutionary tactic is very unique. Some revolutionary organizations 
will never agree to the offer of 
government to develop their area because it is known as  counterinsurgency but our 
people are different. 

The target of counterinsurgency is to stop the people from revolting against  the 
Philippine government but in the case of our 
people here,  they will never stop until they get independence. So no problem. 

It is the problem of some revolutionary struggles, maybe the counterinsurgency will 
affect them but in our case, no, it will not 
affect us. As a matter of fact, we believe it will help us. 

 Q. Help you? 

A. For example if there will be no economic development, we cannot support our camp. 
We need economic development to 
support our fighters. 

 Q. What would you say to the evacuees, particularly those in the Lanao provinces, 
most of them Moro people, who are 
receiving the brunt of this war in Kauswagan? 

A. Let them convince the national government that a referendum here be conducted by 
the UN should be allowed by the 
Philippine government to end the war. 

If there's a referendum and the Bangsamoro will vote for autonomy, then the MILF will 
stop fighting the Philippine government 
because Bangsamoro will respect the people's vote. If it is independence, we will work 
for independence. 

We believe this is the only peaceful and correct solution, ask them what they want. 

 Q. Why the UN? Why not just the OIC? 

 A. What we need from the OIC is an endorsement to the UN because.. 

 Q. But is there a likelihood you'll get that? 

 A. If we can't get that from OIC, (then) from some members of the OIC. We need the 
endorsement of at least one country. 
We know now there are some countries willing to endorse us? 

Q. How many countries? 

A. More than one 

Q. You're very secretive. Is it a major country? 

A. You'll know it later. 

Q. How would you like history to judge you? 

A. I would like history to judge me as I am not more than I am, not more, not less. I 
do not want history to exaggerate whether 
(the) positive side or negative side. What I want is just what I  am. 

Q. How would you like to be remembered? As an ustadz, MILF chair? 

A. I would like to be remembered as an innocent civilian forced to fight to defend my 
people, that's all. As a matter of fact, I 
am maintaining I am still a civilian. I'm not a fighter. 

I don't want to kill anybody. But I have to defend my people, organize and defend my 
people. I do not want to kill anybody but 
I also don't want people to kill any of my people... 

Q. Your message to President Estrada? 

A. I am inviting him to make peace, to stop his armed forces  from fighting, attacking 
our forces and I'll stop mine. Mr. Estrada, 
President Estrada, or if we have to be diplomatic about this, if His Excellency can 
stop AFP in attacking MILF, I promise 
1,000 percent that I will stop my MILF from fighting so there will be peace. 

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