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WASHINGTON, DC (9/7/96) - On Monday, September 9, President Clinton will 
receive recommendations for wide-ranging improvements in airport security. 
The proposals include a number of security improvements that could help 
strengthen airport security:

1) mandatory matching of baggage to passengers,
2) an increase in the number of bomb-sniffing dogs,
3) better background checks and training for airline and airport workers, 
4) vulnerability assessments for every commercial U.S. airport.
These and other legitimate recommendations, formulated by the White House 
Commission on Aviation Safety and Security, deserve the traveling public's 
full support. (The Commission was created by President Clinton following the 
recent downing of TWA Flight 800.) However, some Commission recommendations 
could lead to violations of civil and privacy rights. These proposals 

1) an automated passenger "profiling" system that would single out certain 
travelers as potential security threats.
(A Sept. 6 NBC News report indicated that the profiling system for El Al 
Airlines, often cited as a model on security issues, singles out 
"DARK-SKINNED" travelers as "potential terrorists.")

2) installation of new and more sophisticated bomb detection equipment, 
which other media reports indicate may include the use of cameras that 
search under clothing. In his September 5 testimony on these 
recommendations, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Legislative Counsel 
Greg Nojeim made the following comments: On Profiling - "Reduced to its 
essentials, a 'profile' is a stereotype...Profiling...permits treatment of 
passengers as potential criminals in the absence of facts specific to them 
that suggest they are likely to engage in criminal activity...In short, 
instead of training security personnel to determine whether a passenger fits 
a pre-conceived stereotype of what a 'terrorist' is, security personnel 
should be trained to recognize an individual's specific activity that 
creates a reasonable, articulable suspicion of possible criminality that 
warrants further inquiry." Mr. Nojeim went on to describe the case of 
Abraham Ahmad, the Arab-American detained following the Oklahoma City 
bombing solely because of his "profile." On a Computerized Passenger 
Registry - "Another proposal is the creation of a massive data base of 
potential air passengers that would include identifying information (a 
picture, description, fingerprint, DNA sample, or PIN number), address, 
flying patterns with a particular airline, bill paying at a particular 
address, criminal records and other information...This...would be used to 
decide whether the passenger 'fits the profile' and should be subjected to 
heightened security measures...Computerizing the stereotype makes it even 
more objectionable. The proposal violates the principles of privacy and 
individualized determinations of potential criminality described 
above...Every person who has had difficulty in clearing an inaccuracy in 
their credit record knows that this system will be a nightmare..." On 
Cameras That Search Under Clothing - "If there is ever a place where a 
person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, it is under their 
clothing...we urge the Commission to reject proposals that body scanners 
capable of projecting an image of a person's naked body be employed to clear 
airline passengers not otherwise under legitimate suspicion." On Security 
Recommendations - "Let the Commission adopt this as the Golden Rule of 
airline security: at the airport ticket counter, passengers check only their 
luggage, not their rights to personal security, privacy, and equality."

ACTIONS REQUESTED: (Polite responses only. Hostile comments only serve to 
confirm existing stereotypes.)
1) CONTACT PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON, The White House, Washington, D.C., 
20500 Tel: 202-456-1111 FAX: 202-456-2461
EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Offer support for legitimate security 
measures. Ask him to delete the recommendations that violate civil and
privacy rights.
Airline safety plans should not use race, religion, national origin, or 
political opinions as a basis to determine who is subjected to heightened
security measures. Ask that the U.S. NOT adopt El Al's racist passenger 
profiles. Ask that a mechanism for reporting discriminatory treatment be
added to the recommendations. Ask that passengers be made aware of patterns 
of abuse by particular airlines.

2) President Clinton will submit a $300 million supplemental budget request 
to begin implementing the new security measures. CONTACT YOUR ELECTED 
REPRESENTATIVES to ask that the negative provisions not be funded. Call the 
U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to find out the names and phone 
numbers of your representatives. Members of Congress may also be emailed by 
accessing: http://www.infi.net/~bartlett/email.htm

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