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       IPOH, Aug 24 (Bernama) -- Barisan Nasional Member of Parliament
       for Teluk Intan Mah Siew Keong and two company directors were
       found guilty by the High Court here Thursday of contempt of court

       for failing to execute an exparte order made by the court in
       this year.

       The two others are Siew Keong's mother Wong Leng Wah and his
       cousin Mah Siew Seng.

       Siew Keong, the Perak Gerakan Youth chief, was fined RM10,000
       or in default three months jail, Siew Seng (the first respondent)

       RM30,000 in default six months jail and Wong RM5,000 in default
       three months jail.

       Judge Datuk P. S. Gill granted a stay of execution to Siew Keong
       and Siew Seng pending an appeal while Wong paid her fine.

       For Siew Keong, 39, his position as a member of Parliment is
       affected by the sentence.

       Article 48 of the Federal Constitution states a member of
       Parliament is disqualified from being a member of the House if he
       convicted of an offence by a court of law in the Federation and
       sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than a year or
       a fine of not less than RM2,000 and has not received a free

       The three are directors of Fortuneview. A writ of summons has
       yet to be served on a fourth director of the company.

       Baiyu Gamitan, a property developer, had filed for contempt
       proceedings against Fortuneview for failing to execute the
       order granted on March 15 in the signing of two "deeds of

       The dispute between Baiyu Gamitan and Fortuneview was over a
       sale and purchase agreement for a housing project in Manjung
       district in which Fortuneview owns the land being developed by
       Baiyu Gamitan.

       Gill, in his judgment, said although the conduct of the
       throughout the committal proceeding reflected unmitigated
       repentance, any apology to be affective must be done almost
       immediately or at the earliest opportunity in the form of an oral


       He said throughout the proceeding, the defendants, through
       counsel, had applied to set aside the exparte committal order and

       thereafter argued comprehensively the motion for committing.

       "At a late stage, the second and third respondents, after being
       found guilty of contempt, had proferred an apology," he said.

       "The apology must be unqualified and non-ambiguous. In the
       absence of an apology in these circumstances, a contemner
       cannot subscribe to an expectation of a less severe sentence".

       Gill said he took a dim view towards such acts of contempt.

       "I would be abdicating in my duties in not meting out an
       appropriate sentence to reflect the gravity of the offence."

       D P Naban, counsel for Siew Keong and Wong, in mitigation,
       extended the apology of his clients and said they had entered
       the conduct on the advice of solicitors and meant no disrespect
       to the court.

       He said as an MP, Siew Keong has already attracted media
       attention and any sentencing would affect his service to the
       public while Wong, 67, is a housewife.

       "They have not, in any way, challenged the authority and dignity
       of the court," Naban said.

       Lawyer for the plaintiff, Datuk V K Lingam, said evidence by the
       second and third respondents showed everything was done by the
       first respondent, Mah Siew Seng.

       He said for five months since the court issued the exparte order,

       no step was taken by the respondents to seek clarification nor
       had they shown any remorse.

       Before the judge read out his judgment after a break, Siew Seng's

       counsel David Chai said Siew Seng sought to make an apology in
       open court.

       Gill granted this but commented that the action was not sincere
       as submissions and mitigation had been made by the lawyers and
       that it was too late.

       -- BERNAMA

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