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CAIR says Pentagon should not cooperate with films that defame Islam
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/11/2000) - CAIR today called on Secretary of Defense 
William S. Cohen to amend his department's policy so that the Pentagon does 
not associate itself with anti-Muslim stereotyping in the film industry. 
That call came in response to many complaints CAIR received from concerned 
Muslim moviegoers about the recently released Paramount Pictures film "Rules 
of Engagement." (http://www.rulesmovie.com/) In the film, a Marine colonel 
orders the massacre of 83 civilian protesters outside the American embassy 
in Yemen. He is brought up on murder charges, but is ultimately acquitted. 
In a letter to Secretary Cohen, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad wrote: 
"This film, which was produced with the cooperation of the Department of 
Defense, seems to justify the killing of Muslim men, women and even 
children. (In a recent screening of the film, audience members cheered and 
laughed when the American troops opened fire on the crowd of demonstrators.) 
It also offers a very negative and inaccurate image of Muslims and Islamic 
beliefs. Many media outlets seem to agree with this assessment. "CNN movie 
critic Paul Clinton called the film 'blatantly racist, using Arabs as 
cartoon-cutout bad guys, and unrealistic in its depiction of a conflict in 
the Middle East.' 
"According to the Austin American-Statesman (4/7/2000): 'Seems the Yemenis 
are upset about the U.S. presence in the Persian Gulf. That's all we know, 
and director William Friedkin and screenwriter Stephen Gaghan seem to 
believe that that's all we need to know, since, you know, we're talking 
about Arabs here. The words 'terrorists' and 'jihad' are tossed in to 
reinforce the stereotype.' "The Deseret News (4/9/2000) said the film shows 
the Yemeni people as 'American-hating terrorists, including a scene that 
shows a small child aiming a weapon at U.S. Marines.' "The Toronto Sun said, 
'Little attempt is made to humanize Yemeni people. On screen...they are 
stock villains, human cattle ready for herding and slaughter to demonstrate 
the right and might of the U.S. policeman's role.' "Mr. Secretary, the 
average moviegoer who sees this film could come away with the impression 
that Muslims are a dirty and barbaric people who have a 'duty' to kill 
Americans whenever possible. This is offensive in the extreme and will 
inevitably have a negative impact on the lives of ordinary American Muslims 
who are an integral part of this society. Also, the perception of the 
Defense Department's association with anti-Muslim stereotyping does not 
serve American interests in and relations with the Islamic world. "'Rules of 
Engagement' is not the first film produced in cooperation with the Defense 
Department that stereotyped Muslims and Arabs. In recent years we have seen 
films such as 'True Lies' and 'Executive Decision' portray Muslims and Arabs 
as irrational terrorists who only wish to kill innocent Americans. "While 
movie producers have the right to produce films with bigoted and 
stereotypical content, I believe it is inappropriate that our government and 
American taxpayers participate in these productions through use of military 
equipment, advisers and locations. "I would therefore respectfully request 
that the Department of Defense amend its policies on cooperation with film 
producers to mandate screening of requests for religious and ethnic 
stereotyping. A multicultural civilian advisory committee could assist this 
screening process." CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper added, "We 
are not in favor of censorship. In fact, it is the movie industry that 
engages in censorship every time it fails to show the reality of the Muslim 
experience and instead offers a narrow and distorted view of Islam." 
IMMEDIATE ACTIONS REQUESTED: (As always, be firm, but POLITE.) Contact 
Paramount to express your concerns about anti-Muslim stereotyping in the 
film industry. Contact: Ms. Sherry Lansing President Paramount Film and 
Television Group 5555 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90038 TEL: 323-956-5000 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://www.paramount.com/
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