
Petronas dan kerajaan Terengganu. Berita Penuh.

GAMBAR (ATAS, KIRI) Beribu-ribu umat Islam Amerika Syarikat mengadakan solat Jumaat di hadapan White House sebelum berdemonstrasi membantah sokongan AS kepada penjajah Zionis di Palestine, Oktober 13.
PHOTO (ABOVE, LEFT) Thousands of American Muslims hold Friday prayers in front of the White House in Washington DC, October 13. They later held a demonstration protesting continued US support for Zionist occupiers in Palestine. [Photo Courtesy: Malaysian Islamic Soc of North America)

(ATAS, KANAN) Kira-kira 200 orang mengiringi Ketua Pemuda PAS Mahfuz Omar menghantar memorandum bantahan ke kedutaan Amerika Syarikat di Kuala Lumpur, 13 Oktober. Kekecohan berlaku apabila polis cuba menahan salah seorang yang menyertai perarakan anti-Israel itu.
(ABOVE, RIGHT) About 200 people accompany PAS Youth Leader Mahfuz Omar to hand over a protest memorandum to the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur over the Zionist atrocities in Palestine, October 13. A small disturbance occured when police tried to nab a member of the crowd.

(Kanan) Seorang anggota polis tidak berseragam (berserban Sikh) cuba menangkap seorang pemuda kerana menyertai perarakan membantah kekejaman Zionis di Palestin, Oktober 13, semalam, di Kuala Lumpur.

(Right) A plainclothes police officer (in Sikh turban) tries to arrest a member of the crowd for taking part in an anti-Zionist protest in Kuala Lumpur, October 13.





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