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Maka bandut-bantut Liga Arab meminta pihak Yahudi berhentikan 
keganasan terhadap orang-orang Palestin. Tetapi itu bukan 
peperangan antara Israil dengan Palestin, malahan kebangkitan 
umat Islam menentang Yahudi yang merampas tanahair mereka. 
Bandut-bandut Liga Arab yang mengejar kemajuan ala Dr Mahathir 
bimbang krisis Yahudi-Palestin ini merugikan ekonomi negara-negara 
Arab, menyeru orang-orang Palestin berdamai dengan Yahudi..seruan
yang menguntungkan pihak Yahudi. Bagaimanapun intifadah diterus-
kan..sehingga Israil dapat dikalahkan.

       IAP-Net: Barghouthi: Intifada will continue until occupation 
       is over
       Sat, 21 Oct 2000 10:07:02 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Barghouthi: Intifada will continue until occupation is over

Occupied Jerusalem: 21 October/00 - Fatah leader in the West 
Bank Marwan Barghouthi said the ongoing Palestinian intifada 
or uprising would continue until the Israeli occupation is over. 

Speaking from his home in Ramallah via telephone, Barghouthi 
said the Palestinian people were now convinced that  "the intifada 
is the only way out of the political quagmire."

"We just can't allow ourselves be hostage to Israeli whims and
deceptions…Israeli must choose either peace or occupation,  it 
can't have them both."

Barghouthi held Israel fully responsible for the outbreak of 

"They effectively offered us two choices, capitulation or the 
intifada, and we choose the latter," he said.

Israel accuses Barghouthi of masterminding the current intifada, 
an accusation he vehemently denies.

"This is a popular movement, the entire people are rising up 
against Israeli occupation and oppression…this is not a one-man


       IAP-Net: Sheikh Ahmed Yasin: I'm with the PA as long as 
       the PA is with the Intifada
       Sat, 21 Oct 2000 10:05:38 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sheikh Ahmed Yasin: I'm with the PA as long as the PA is with 
the Intifada 

Occupied Jerusalem: 21 October/00 - Hamas founder and spiritual 
leaders Sheikh Ahmed Yasin said in a radio interview Saturday he 
would put up a united stance with the Palestinian Authority for 
the common good of the Palestinian people. 

Speaking with "Radio France International" Yasin said Hamas and 
Fatah stood together in resisting "criminal Zionist aggression 
against our people."

"I'm with the Palestinian Authority as long as the Palestinian 
Authority is with the intifada," Yasin said.

He argued that the murderous bullets of Israeli occupation 
soldiers don't distinguish between Hamas, Fatah and other 
Palestinian groups.

Yasin called for the continuation of the intifada because "
Israel will not give any weight to us as if they are not made 
to pay a price for their occupation of our homeland and 
persecution and repression of our people."

Yasin said the current intifada or uprising furnished the 
death certificate of the Oslo Accords. (end)

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