
Haris berhadapan dengan serangan WORM atau TROJAN
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TFAK boleh digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengesan
dan membuang WORM atau TROJAN ini. Lawat laman.


: )

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [TOOL] Trojans First Aid Kit -
remove and detect Trojans (even remotely)
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 03:48:03 +0800

The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list,
and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site:

  Trojans First Aid Kit - remove and detect Trojans (even remotely)


TFAK is a Freeware Anti-Trojan program for Windows, which detects and 
removes the most frequent Trojans (TFAK 4.5 detects 481 Trojans).

I have a very good Anti-Virus. Do I need this tool?
TFAK is able to remove Trojans not just by deleting the files and the 
affected registry keys, but also by contacting the Trojan itself, and 
"kindly" asking it to remove itself.

Which Trojans does it detect and remove?
It detects all the following 481 Trojans:

* 2000 Cracks
* Absturz
* Achtung Keylogger
* Acid Battery
* Acid Shiver (Plain and Mod)
* AckCmd
* Agent 40421
* Ajan
* Ambush
* Amoeba
* AntiLaw
* AOL-Trojan
* Armageddon
* Ashley (1.0.a, 1.0.b, 1.0.c, 1.0.d)
* Asylum (Plain, , 0.1.3)
* B_F_Evolution 5.3.12
* Back Construction (1.5, 2.1, 2.5)
* Back Construktion 1.2
* Back Orifice (1.20, 2K, mod)
* BackDoor (2.0, 2.01, 2.03)
* Barock (1.0, 2.0, 2.1)
* BD-Sniper
* BeeOne
* BigGluk
* BioNet (0.871, 0.92, 0.92 NT)
* Bitchin Threads
* Bla (1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.03, 5.03)
* Bladerunner
* Blakharaz
* Blazer 5
* BoBo
* Brainspy
* Breach (4.5b, Pro)
* Bug's
* Buttman
* Caffeini (Plain, 0.9, Polish)
* Cancasson
* Cholera
* Chubacabra
* Coma
* Connection
* Control
* Crazynet (Plain, 3.7)
* Darkconnection
* Deadbolt
* Death (Plain, 2.1, 2.3)
* Deep Throat (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1a)
* Delta Souce (0.5, 0.7.a, 0.7.b)
* Der Spaeher 3
* Digital Rootbeer
* DK32 Netspy
* Doly (1.35, 1.5, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7a, 1.7b, 2.0 b)
* Donald Dick (1.52, 1.53)
* DP Trojan
* DR
* Dragonfly
* Drat
* Dropper
* DT (1.0, 1.1)
* Eclypse 1.0b
* EL_15
* EPS (1.09, 1.66)
* Error 32
* Event Horizon
* EvilFTP
* Excalibur
* Executor
* Exploiter 1.1
* Fake FTP
* Fatal Error (1, 2)
* Filenail
* Firehorse Distributor
* Firehorse Server
* Firekiller2000
* Forced Entry
* Freak (2k, 88)
* Freddy Krueger Beta
* Free JC
* Frenzy (0.10, 1.01, 1.01, 2000, 2000 v4, 2k 2 Beta, 2k 3a, 2k 3b, 2k
* FTL (ver. 1, ver. 2)
* FTP99Cmp
* Gate Crasher (Plain, 1.0)
* Gay OL (1.0, 1.5, 1.6)
* GCI BioNet 0.84
* GIP (1.10, 1.12, 1.131)
* Girlfriend (1.3a, 1.3b)
* GR
* Hack'A'Tack (1.2, 2000, 99)
* HackDream
* Hackers Paradise
* Happy 99
* Hard Drive Killer 4
* Hellz Little Spy (1.2, 1.5)
* HHeaven
* Hookdump
* Host Control (Plain, 2.6, Professional)
* Host Unreachable
* ICQ-Trojan
* I-Mailer
* InCommand (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, Mini, Mini 1.2)
* Indecenia
* Indoctrination
* Inet
* Infector
* Infra Trojan
* INI-Killer (2.0, 3.0)
* Insane Network (1, 4, 5.0)
* Intruser
* Invisible Mailer
* IRC 3
* IRC-Worm Apulia (I, II, III, IV)
* Jane.bmp
* Joke Directory Creator
* Kaos (1.1, 1.3)
* Keeper
* Keycopy
* Keylog (95, 2!)
* Keylogger
* Keyrec
* Kid Terror
* Kuang Psender (Plain, Full)
* Kuang2 Funny
* Lamespy
* Le Guardien
* Log
* LookSpy
* MailBomb
* Masterpixcontrol
* Masters Paradise (97, 99)
* Matrix (1.0, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0)
* Maveriks Matrix 1.4
* Millenium
* Mini Asylum 1.1
* MO Sucker
* Moosucker
* Moskow
* msipcsv
* MSN-Cookie
* Naebi (2.14, 2.15, 2.17, 2.20, 2.26, 2.27, 2.29, 2.30, 2.31, 2.32,
2.34, 2.35, 2.36)
* NeoGen
* Net Monitor
* Net Raider
* Net Taxi
* NetAdmin
* NetBus (1.20, 1.53, 1.6, 1.7 mod, 1.7.a, 1.7.b, 1.7.b, 1.7.lover, 2.0 
Pro.d, 2.01 Pro, Invisible Server)
* NetController
* NetMetro (1.00, 1.04)
* NetRex
* NetSphere 1.27a
* NetSpy 1.10
* Nettrash Beta
* NetTrojan
* Netware Trojan
* Network Terrorist
* NewTrojan
* Nirvana
* NokNok (5, 7, 7.2, 8, 8.1, 8.2)
* NokNok6
* Noras (002, 002ras, 003
* Novell Fake Login
* OOLT (.a, .b)
* Overload
* PamelaSlide
* PC Crasher
* PC Invader (0.1, 0.5, 0.6b, 0.7, 0.7 Alpha 6, 0.7 Alpha 7, 0.7 Alpha
0.7 Alpha 9)
* Phantom 2
* Phase Zero
* Portal of Doom
* Prayer (1.2, 1.3)
* Precursorserver 2.0
* Progenic Trojan
* Project Next Beta 0.53
* Projekt Next
* Psyber Streaming Server 1.0
* Psycho's Nightmare
* Psychward 3
* Ramcracker
* Rathead 2.0
* Readme
* Real Server 2000 fixed
* RemBomb
* Remote Boot Trojan 1.0
* Remote Control
* Remote Storm (1, 2)
* Retail 11a
* Retriever (1.3 Logger, 1.3 Stealer)
* Revenger (Plain, 02)
* Ring-0
* Ripper,
* RNS Dialripper
* RNS Trojan (3, 4)
* RoBo
* RuxtheThick
* RuxTrojan
* Samb (.a, .b)
* Sanctuary
* Satans Backdoor (1, 2)
* Schoolbus (1.0, 1.6, 2.0)
* Schwindler 1.82
* Secret Service 1.4
* ServeMe
* Sesam
* ShadowPhyre
* Sheep Goat (13kb, 33kb)
* Shirlitz
* Shit-Heep
* ShockRave
* Silencer
* Skydance (2.16b, 2.20b)
* Solaris
* son of PW
* Son-of-PW
* Spaeher (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
* Spector (2.0, Spector 2.1, 2.1 DLL)
* Spirit Beta
* Spying King 2.0
* Sshare
* StealthSpy 3.0
* Storm 1.1
* Striker
* Studio 54
* Sub 7 (2.1 bonus unpacked, 2.13.b)
* Sub Seven (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4/1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1 
Bonus, 2.1 Gold, 2.1 MUIE, 2.1 MUIE unp., 2.1a, 2.2 beta, 2.2 beta NT 
Apocalypse, Runner.a, Runner.b, Runner.c, ICQ-Fix)
* Suck Info
* Sysmon
* System 33 1.1
* Teman 1.0
* TerrorTrojan 1.0
* The Spy 1.0
* The Thing (1.1, 1.12, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.b
* The Traitor
* The Unexplained
* Thief 2.0
* TK2
* Transmission Scout
* Trojan Cow
* Trojan Spirit 2001a
* Trojan-Cow
* Truva 1.2
* Ultors
* unc-Server (Plain, Undetected Special Edition)
* Valvoline
* Vampire (1.0, 1.2)
* VHM 2.0
* WarTrojan 2.0
* WCrat
* Webasylum 1.0
* Webex 1.4
* Wincrash
* WinCrash (1.03, 2.0)
* WinDnet
* Windown
* Winhole (Plain, VXD)
* Winlogon
* WinPass
* WinPC
* WinVer32
* Xanadu 1.1
* XZip 6.0
* Yahoo
* Yat
* Year3k RAT


The tool can be downloaded from:

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