Pas was played out once by umno! You just cannot allow for a snake to bit you at the place twice! Umno invites Pas for perpaduan without showing her sincerity towards perpaduan Umno knew fully well that Pas would use, among others, harakah and oil royalty, to open ways for the talk. Why can't umno, without having to wait for Pas' conditions, return what belongs to Pas, if umno is truly sincere and lillahi ta'ala? So when Pas put forward its conditions umno have its answers well prepared in advance. Pas will soon be blamed for the failure and umno will always be the good boy, the usual style (strategy). I look at it as just another political manoeuvre...., hopefully I'm wrong. wallahu'alam. wassalam

siang malam wrote:


yg tragisnya , saudara semua sanggup bersengkokol dgn Keadilan..tapi tidak dgn Umno...

saudara semua tidak tahu betapa bahayanya Keadilan..!!
 >From: Ahmad Chukari<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: generasi mujahid<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: H-Net* Awas SB penyamar dalam H-Net
>saya sanggup dicop "munafiq" kerana menentang PERTEMUAN CHE DET & USTAD
>FADZIL jika itu
>ukuran munafiq sdr. bandingkanlah "munafiq" di sisi Allah swt dengan
>"munafiq" sdr. : Ahmad Chukari<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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