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Updated Aptil 9, 2001
UN Claims Lockerbie Trial Rigged

[The United Nations has savaged the Crown Office's handling of 
the Lockerbie trial claiming the outcome was rigged through the 
unfair suppression of evidence; it was politically influenced by 
the USA; and the court had no grounds to return a guilty 
verdict."--"UN Claims Lockerbie Trial Rigged,"Sunday Herald, 
April 8, 2001] 

Released February 6, 2001
Pan Am 103: Lockerbie Verdict "Astonishing"

WASHINGTON, DC -- Professor Robert Black, a former judge 
and Scotland's leading expert on criminal procedure and 
evidence, described the January 31 decision by three Scottish 
judges to convict Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi as 

Mr. Megrahi, alleged Libyan secret serviceman, was found guilty 
of the murder of 270 people when Pan Am flight 103 exploded 
over Lockerbie, Scotland. Co-defendant Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah 
was found not guilty of the murder. 

Prof. Black, who devised the format of the Netherlands-based 
trial, conducted under Scottish law at Camp Zeist, points to the 
Opinion of the Court, paragraph 89: "We are aware that in 
relation to certain aspects of the case there are a number of 
uncertainties and qualifications. We are also aware that there is 
a danger that by selecting parts of the evidence which seem to fit 
together and ignoring parts which might not fit, it is possible to 
read into a mass of conflicting evidence a pattern or conclusion 
which is not really justified." 

In Prof. Black's view the Crown case has failed to comply with 
strict Scottish legal rules that evidence be corroborated. He 
adds, "for reasons that were never satisfactorily explained," a 
fragment of an electronic circuit board "was not dealt with by the 
investigators and forensic scientists in the same way as other 
pieces." This fragment of a timer is an important link to Libya in 
the evidence. 

Other evidence questioned by Prof. Black relates to clothing 
purchased by Mr. Megrahi in Malta, and computer printouts 
linking Mr. Megrahi to a piece of unaccompanied baggage on 
Flight KM 180 from Malta to Frankfurt on 21 December 1988 
which was then carried on to Heathrow. 

"The best we learn of events in Libya," writes veteran journalist 
Robert Fisk ("Libya: What's the Bloody Motive?," Independent, 
February 4, 2001), "is from a CIA-paid 'witness' who is totally 
discredited by the judgment." 

Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi has condemned the verdict in 
the Lockerbie bombing trial as an "injustice". Mr. Megrahi is 
expected to appeal. The appeal court is expected to be chaired 
by Lord Cullen, Scotland's second most senior judge. 

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