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Setiap FATWA di Malaysia bukan dibuat oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan tetapi Mahathir 
Laknatullah.   A.Hamid Zainal Abidin dan Ali Rustam adalah beberapa keldai yang  setia 
bersama-sama Mahathir di dunia dan di neraka.


On Mon, 14 May 2001 15:54:20  
 Hassan, Haslim wrote:
>Monday, May 14, 2001
>Muftis in a bind over directive
>By Farid Jamaludin 
>PETALING JAYA: The Government's directive to states to gazette the
>controversial Amanat Hadi Awang as deviant teaching has caught many state muftis in a 
>bind because there is no official fatwa (edict) on the matter. 
>According to several muftis interviewed by The Star, without a ruling by the
>National Fatwa Council, the state governments did not have the power to
>gazette the amanat as deviant teaching or something against Islam. 
>The directive to gazette the ban only came in the form of a circular from
>Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Abdul Hamid Zainal Abidin,
>last month. 
>So far, only Malacca has said it would gazette the amanat _ a so-called
>decree which allegedly labelled Umno members infidels. 
>Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Wira Mohd Ali Rustam had stated that the matter
>would be tabled at the next state assembly meeting. 
>The other states, including those where the Sultan is head of Islamic
>affairs, have yet to respond. 
>The amanat, extracted by PAS members from a speech made by party deputy
>president Abdul Hadi Awang 20 years ago, is considered by Umno to be the
>cause of Malay disunity. 
>Several Umno leaders had spoken out against the amanat, following a decision
>by the Conference of Rulers two months ago that Muslims should not judge
>fellow Muslims in the way that only God could. 
>In 1986, a muzakarah (discussion) among muftis in the country was held to
>discuss the matter and it was decided then that the so-called decree was
>against the Islamic community and the dignity of Islam besides being against
>Islamic dakwah. 
>However, the resolution taken at the meeting was not absorbed as an edict by
>the National Fatwa Council. 
>The muftis are considered the foremost authority on religious laws and look
>into all matters pertaining to the religion and the implementation of these
>Terengganu, where Hadi is Mentri Besar, and Kelantan--both ruled by
>PAS--have kept mum on the issue while acknowledging that they had received
>the directive to gazette the so-called decree as deviant teaching. 
>Perak mufti Datuk Seri Harussani Haji Zakaria said a fatwa was needed before
>any state could gazette, at its assembly sitting, that the amanat was
>against Islam. 
>"In the absence of a fatwa, we cannot act without any basis. Any directive
>on Islamic matters must be accompanied by a fatwa. 
>"Anyway, my office has yet to see the directive although I have read about
>this in the newspapers," he said, when contacted. 
>Selangor mufti Datuk Seri Mohd Tamyes Abdul Wahid said he has yet to be
>briefed by the state government about the directive. 
>"I have read newspaper reports about the directive but, so far, there has
>been no fatwa made about the ban. 
>"The recent meeting of muftis in Perlis did not touch on the matter," he
>Kedah State Assembly Speaker Datuk Badruddin Amiruldin said there had been
>no response from the state mufti's office over the matter. 
>"Nothing pertaining to the matter is scheduled for the next assembly
>sitting," he said. 
>A check with the Kedah mufti's office revealed that the matter has yet to be
>discussed at the state-level fatwa panel. 
>A source from the office said only until the panel endorsed the fatwa that
>it would be forwarded to the Sultan of Kedah for approval. 
>A random survey showed that the situation is similar in other states,
>including Pahang and Negri Sembilan. 
>Hamid, when contacted, said he was briefed that all states were in the
>process of gazetting the ban. 
>c=nation> &sec=nation

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