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Articles : How To Create A Master Mind Alliance
by Gary Ryan Blair

"The benefit of involving others in your goals and plans is instant
access to experience, knowledge, and wisdom. There can't be enough
said about the importance of intellectual bench strength. There will
come a time when uncertainty will arrive; that's why having another
set of eyes and ears is essential - that is the purpose of a Master Mind."
- Gary Ryan Blair

The Purpose of a Master Mind Alliance

According to Napoleon Hill, "a Master Mind Alliance is the coordination of
knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people,
for the attainment of a definite purpose."

A Master Mind Alliance stimulates dialog among thinking people, encouraging
them to share their ideas and experiences, successes and failures, as a
means of fostering individual and collective achievement. A Master Mind
Alliance is the balanced focusing of minds and attentions on a specific goal
that multiplies effectiveness and produces greater results in a shorter
period of time.

Why Start a Master Mind Alliance?

Through communicating with people in a spirit of harmony and good will, we
expand our understanding of ourselves and our world. Through Master Minding
with others, we gain insights and bring new perspectives to our work and

In today's turbulent world, we are confronted with many unknowns. Surviving
and prospering means keeping up with new ideas. Joining with others in a
Master Mind Alliance - either with people within your organization,
industry, or some other interest group -provides impetus for keeping up with
change and positions us for rapidly opening and closing opportunities.

What Are The Benefits of a Master Mind Alliance

An effective Master Mind Alliance is a conduit for:
ˇ a trusting environment in which a confidential exchange of ideas can
ˇ creative problem-solving on both professional and personal issues.
ˇ skill development and personal growth.
ˇ advice, collective support, and accountability to oneself and others.
ˇ leveraging the intelligence and real-world experience of others.
ˇ achieving far more than one could ever achieve on their own due to the
insights and wisdom of others.

How Do You Find Interested Participants?

Be patient when building your Master Mind Alliance. The most important thing
is the chemistry. Put the same thought and energy into choosing participants
as you would make with any major life decision. Participants can be found in
any number of places:

Within Your Organization - Ask colleagues within your department, or from
other departments throughout the company to participate.
Outside Your Organization - Ask competitors, supplies, people in similar
industries, or associates from totally different industries to get involved.

In Your Community - Ask family, friends, neighbours, members of professional
associations to which you belong, or members of other types of groups to

Begin with trust and make a list of people you know or know of that are
headed in the same direction as you are, people with similar values and
ambitions. Keep in mind that your goal is not to create a mentor - protégé
relationship but a peer-to-peer relationship.

It is recommended that Master Mind Alliance members bring varied
professional backgrounds. This diversity can and will provide a wide base of
knowledge and experience the same way that a Board of Directors does for a

What is the Ideal Number of Participants?

The ideal size for a lively discussion is between 6 and 12 people, assuming
that everyone participates. Be on the lookout for group chemistry. You will
know that the group is too small when the range of ideas is too limited; you
know it's too large when the group feels too impersonal.

When deciding how many members to include in your Master Mind Alliance,
however, take into account other factors, such as hectic schedules, and
unanticipated conflicts. Such factors will mean that, often three or four
people may be unable to attend a given meeting. To ensure that each meeting
will have 6 to 8 participants, consider a total membership of 10 to 12.

With a company, you may choose to have more than one Master Mind Alliance.
If you do choose to have more than one, consider focusing on a topic or
topics of mutual concern.

How Often Should You Meet?

For most Master Mind Alliances, meeting once per week or every two weeks is
optimal. If you meet less, than the group never gets any momentum going and
synergy is lost. If your group's purpose is professional or organization
development, you may find people are motivated to meet more often.

It is a good idea to meet on some predictable day, such as the first and
third Wednesday of every month.

Where Should You Meet?

If this is a Master Mind within one organization, you could choose a
conference room within the company's offices. If it is a professional or
personal development group not connected to any one organization, you could
rotate among members' homes or use library rooms, local community centers,
coffee shops, large bookstores, churches, etc.

Consistency is important to creating an effective Master Mind Alliance.
Meeting in the same place and time is an excellent idea. This will allow
each member to best protect the goals of the group from the many other
commitments clamoring for everyone's attention.

Consider having water, juice, coffee or tea available, the smallest things
can be useful in producing a favorable mood and environment. Be sure that
distractions are kept to a minimum: no phones, no pagers, and no
disturbances from other rooms or people.

Email is a useful tool for Master Mind groups for the following reasons:
ˇ E-mail is convenient. An e-mail discussion can be viewed and responded to
at any time during the day.
ˇ An e-mail discussion is more complete. Meeting topics can be discussed for
days or weeks, and by a greater number of participants. There are no
constraints as far as meeting times or space.

How Much Will It Cost?

There are some costs associated with having a Master Mind Alliance.
Obviously, the commitment of time and to one another's success is most

Also, if you provide refreshments, there are costs to be considered.
Pot-luck dinners can be simple and cheap, plus may be a big help to busy
members who find it challenging to find time to eat before the meeting.

If your organization is not covering the costs, you could ask members for a
one-time fee to cover six months of postage, snacks, etc.

What Are Each Member's Responsibilities?

Of course, the most obvious responsibility of each Master Mind Member is to
be present, to communicate, and to make progress in their business and
personal lives.

The second most important issues deal with comfort and confidentiality.
People need to be able to let their guard down and relax without being
paranoid in any way. A willingness to listen with a focused heart and
undistracted mind is essential.

Discuss ground rules at the first meeting. The discussion might include
issues of punctuality. At what time will meetings begin and end? What are
the expectations of club members regarding level and consistency of
participation? What if members have to miss a meeting? What happens if they
miss several meetings in a row? What if someone only comes once in a while?
How will we deal with costs? If outside of work, should members be allowed
to bring children or pets? Are guests allowed? Will be one facilitator or if
the role will rotate among members?

What is the Role of the Facilitator?

The facilitator may be the same person each time, or members may choose a
rotation system for the role, depending on the needs and wants of the club.
The facilitator is needed to:
ˇ Monitor start and stop times while maintaining order and purpose.
ˇ Lead the group through its agenda in a timely manner.
ˇ Sense the pulse of the group and monitor its progress.
ˇ Exemplify a spirit of openness.
ˇ Deliver appropriate feedback where necessary.
ˇ Encourage dialog from all participants, especially those who are stuck,
quiet or shy.
ˇ Review the topic carefully for specific discussion questions.

What is the First Meeting Agenda?

Where will we meet?

When will we meet?

How will we notify people of meeting locations, times, and agenda?

What are the costs involved? How will we divide them?

How will we choose topics to discuss and goals to concentrate on?

What are our basic ground rules?

Will we have a single facilitator or will the role rotate among Master Mind

Ten Tips and Ideas

The following 10 ideas can help to ensure that you create an effective
Master Mind Alliance.

1. Consider choosing a name for the group.

This provides another drop of glue that keeps the group involved, focused,
and having fun. Some names we have seen in the past are: The Dynamic Duo,
The Triple Threat, The Fabulous Four, The High Five, The Successful Six, and
The Dallas Dozen.

2. Understand that no one does it all alone.

Success is not a solo act. To get from here to there, you need other people.
A Mastermind Alliance is an excellent way to enroll other people in your
vision of success.

Experience is the mother's milk of a successful goal. The benefit of
involving others in your plans is access to experience, knowledge, and
wisdom. There will come a time when you will be unsure; that's why it's
essential to have another set of eyes and ears.

3. Clarify your group's purpose.

What is the purpose of the group? Is it to benefit one individual, or is it
about mutual benefit and growing relationships on an ongoing basis? Is the
group purpose stated clearly from the outset? Groups seem to work better if
they are clear about the group's overall purpose and if individual members
are able to state their own goals.

4. Value trust and confidentiality.

What is the level of trust in the group? The Master Mind's value depends on
the level of trust among its members.

5. Cooperate, cooperate, cooperate!

Using the original meaning of this word, what are group members willing to
"work with" each other on? Is help forthcoming from the group?

6. Have a diversity of talents and perspectives.

How well do people line up in complementary fields of experience or
expertise? A Master Mind Alliance is strengthened by bringing together
people with different backgrounds and outlooks that complement with others'

7. Be selective, be very selective.

Don't work with "just anybody." Think about your growth strategically and
about who might aid you in getting to where you want to be. Choose nurturing
people to join you in this project. Look for naturally existing
relationships (such as family, clients, or colleagues).

8. Embrace rhythm, flow, and natural harmony.

How strong is the spirit of working together? Is there a sense of shared
purpose? The bonding of the group is what makes Master Minding work. The
Master Mind Alliance forms a deeper creativity than the individual talents
of the members.

9. Obtain and maintain buy in.

When attempting to achieve a goal that involves others, be sure that
everyone is singing from the same sheet of music. This does not mean
stamping out individual initiative, but it does mean agreeing on common
goals and subordinating to the achievement of these any personal
disharmonies or disagreements.

Everyone involved in achieving the goal should have a part in establishing
it. Participation in the goal-setting process helps ensure that the goal
will be successfully accomplished, because people have bought into its
importance and method of achievement.

Successful buy-in requires a three-step analysis:

ˇ Discussion
Discuss the who, what, where, when, how, and why of the desired goal.

ˇ Compromise
Encourage give-and-take between parties. The compromise and negotiation of
the goal are part of the achievement process.

ˇ Agreement Seek the settlement of the goal, achievement process, and
assigned responsibilities.

Discussion, compromise, and agreement require that all parties interact with
one another during the goal-setting process. This interaction means that
people must talk, the most essential element in the early stages of
developing a Master Mind Alliance is communication.

10. Have fun!

The road to success is often bumpy and constantly under construction, but
that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride. You will and should be
experiencing moments of deep satisfaction and fun. This is the best
indicator to let you know that your Master Mind Alliance is working.

Gary Ryan Blair is "The GoalsGuy" one of the top strategic thinkers in the
world. As founder of GoalsGuy Learning Systems, he is dedicated to helping
his clients win and get to the future first. Through his speeches, books and
coaching services he teaches people how to set goals and design strategies
for the creation of a meaningful life and legacy.

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