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Kelmarin dikatakan watak yang ditangkap ialah Dani tapi hari ini bertukar kepada 
Taufik.   Kelmarin dikatakan dia bekas siswazah Ukur Bahan tapi hari ini jadi 
Architecture pula.   MahaHaprak belajar buat skrip sandiwara dari Bollywood atau 
Foolywood ?

Walau apapun mereka mahu mengaitkan peristiwa ini dengan penangkapan aktivist-aktivist 
PAS, Keadilan dan lain-lain yang menentang kejahatan MahaHaprak.

Kalau mereka benar bersalah buktikanlah dalam mahkamah yang adil.   Jika ISA 
digunakan, itu tandanya MahaHaprak tidak ada bukti dan hanya mereka-reka isu-isu untuk 
menutup kezaliman MahaHaprak.


Malaysia confirms Indonesia bomber is Malaysian citizen 

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 13 (AFP) - Malaysia's foreign ministry confirmed Monday that a man 
arrested by Indonesian police over the bombing of two churches and a shopping mall was 
a Malaysian citizen.
Local authorities had verified the authenticity of the man's identity card found by 
Jakarta police, Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar was quoted as saying by the Bernama 
news agency.

The 26-year-old suspect was identified as Taufik Abdul Halim, who is from the southern 
state of Johor and is an architecture graduate from a government-run higher-learning 
institute, he said.

Jakarta police detained the Malaysian after he was injured, along with four others, in 
the August 1 bombing of the Atrium mall in central Jakarta.

Hospital officials at the time said Taufik, whose leg was amputated, claimed to be a 
resident of South Jakarta but did not specify his nationality.

"He is now under custody of Indonesian authorities and is subjected to Indonesian 
laws. Indonesia has the legal right to take any further action," Syed Hamid said.

He said Taufik and nine others were part of a group waging a "jihad," or Muslim holy 
war, in Indonesia and were believed to be planning similar activities in Malaysia upon 
returning home.

It was unclear if the rest of the group members were also Malaysians.

"This group is religiously fanatical. They went there to wage 'jihad' and for the 
government this is not right according to the law and to Islam," Syed Hamid added.

Malaysian police earlier this month detained 10 Islamic activists, including seven 
members of the opposition Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS), on suspicion of being part of 
an Afghan-inspired militant group waging jihad here.

The 10, detained under the Internal Security Act which allows for indefinite detention 
without trial, included the PAS spiritual leader's son Nik Adli Nik Abdul Aziz, who 
was named as the suspected ringleader.

Police in June detained nine members of the group allegedly linked to a spate of 
crimes in Malaysia including robbery, the murder of a politician and the bombings of a 
church and an Indian temple.

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