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semenjak ada kes bangla mati masuk dlm tong coca cola beberapa tahun dulu,
and kes ada org jumpa serpihan tulang org kat dlm botol minuman coca cola,
saya sekeluarga memang tak pernah minum air tuh lagi...tak berminat walaupun
btoi ke tak citer tuh ......tak minat nak minum...ada sesapa pernah denga
tak pasai coca cola nih...diaorg jumpa serpihan tulang manusia....kat dlm
botoi minuman tuh..citer c kit

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: H-Net* Fw: the cola habit

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> >
> >Untuk renungan bersama,,,
> >
> >Dari seorang pakar mengatakan dari ukuran  pH meter digital [ range 0.0
> >sampai 14.0 ] FANTA merah botol kecil dan  COCA COLA botol setengah
> >liter..Hasilnya .....
> >FANTA merah    pH = 3.4
> >COCA COLA      pH = 2.3  (mendekati H2SO4)
> >AIR BATERI     pH = 6.9..
> >Kalau nak cuba, masukkan daging  ke dalam coca-cola. Biar  semalaman
> >/seharian, Lihatlah  hasilnya!!! Daging akan hancur. Bagaimana dengan
> >kita? Semua orang harus tahu!!!
> >
> >----------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >You might have seen the following, but just in case
> >you haven't, please  read  it. I knew one young mother died due to
> >of both kidneys. She was hospitalized in Pertamina hospital for one month
> >and was only allowed  1(one)  glass of water for one whole day. The
> >gave her medication but it seems too late. According to her, she consumed
> >those soft-drinks everyday at lunch. Although it's only one glass per
> >it's enough to ruin that vital organ. She finally died in October last
> >and left  one-year oldson.
> >Pitty!
> >
> >READ ON!!!
> >
> >Dangerous soft drinks!!!!
> >This article is not about Politics but just CocaCola.
> >Very interesting.
> >
> >For those of u who love Coke/Pepsi... Just when you
> >thought you knew everything....
> >
> >To clean a toilet:
> >Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl. Let the "realthing" (cola)
> >sit
> >for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in  Coke removes stains
> >from
> >vitreous china.
> >
> >To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
> >Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminium foil
> >dipped in Coca-Cola.
> >
> >To clean corrosion from car battery terminals;
> >Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.
> >
> >To loosen a rusted bolt;
> >Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several
> >minutes.
> >
> >To remove grease from clothes;
> >Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run
> >through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains.
> >It will also clean road haze from your windshield.
> >
> >
> >For your info :
> >The average pH of soft drinks, e.g. Coke,
> >Pepsi is pH 3.4. This acidity is strong enough to dissolve teeth and
> >Our human body stops building bones at around the age of 30. After that
> >it'll be dissolving
> >About  8-18% of the bones each year through the urine
> >depending on the acidity of the food intake (acidity
> >does not depend on the taste of the food, but on the
> >ratio of potassium / calcium / magnesium / etc.  to
> >phosphorus). All the dissolved calcium compounds
> >accumulate in the arteries, veins,  skin tissue,
> >organs. This affects the functioning of the kidney (kidney stones).
> >
> >Soft drinks do not have any nutritional value (in terms of vitamins and
> >minerals). They have higher sugar content, higher acidity, and more
> >additives such as preservatives and colourings.  Some people like to take
> >cold soft drinks after each meal, guess what's the impact? Our body has
> >optimum temperature of 37 degrees for the functioning of digestive
> >The temperature of  cold soft drinks is much less than 37, sometimes
> >close to 0.  This will lower the effectiveness of the enzymes and put
> >stress
> >on the digestive system, digesting less food. In fact the food gets
> >fermented. The fermented food produces bad smellin gases, decays and
> >toxins which are absorbed in the intestines, get circulated in the blood
> >and
> >is delivered to the whole body. This spread f toxins can lead to the
> >development of various diseases.
> >
> >Think before you drink Coke or Pepsi or any another soft drink.
> >Have you ever thought what you drink when you drink
> >an aerated drink? You gulp down carbon dioxide, something that nobody in
> >the
> >world would advise you to do.
> >Two months ago, there was a competition in
> >Delhi University "Who can drink the most Coke?". The
> >winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because
> >too much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough
> >oxygen. From then on, the principal banned allsoft
> >drinks from the university canteen.
> >Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in 10 days it is
> >dissolved! Teeth and bones are the only human organ that stay intact for
> >years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your soft
> >intestines and stomach lining!
> >
> >Request to All :
> >Forward this message to your friends to increase the
> >awareness of these soft drinks being produced by the
> >so called GREAT USA.
> >Have a wonderful life
> >
> >Break the habit
> >
> >Schoolgirls who drink cola are five times as likely to
> >suffer bone fractures as girls who don't, Harvard researchers warn in
> >Archives of  Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (vol 154, p 610). Team
> >leader
> >Grace Wyshak says it's unclear whether the phosphoric acid in cola drinks
> >weakens bones, or whether the problems occur because cola drinkers
> >less milk, which provides bones with calcium. Either way, the findings
> >raise
> >ominous questions about the skeletal health of a  population "that
> >has gone through adolescence drinking more soda-pop than any previous
> >generation", she warns.
> >
> >From New Scientist magazine,
> >17 June 2000
> >http://www.newscientist.com/news/news_224343.html
> >
> >
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