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Fatwa on Events Following 11 September 2001

by Sheikh Hammoud Al-Uqlaa Ash-Shuaybi (Arabian Peninsula)

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

Q: To proceed, Sheikh Hammoud ibn 'Abdullaah Ash-Shuaybi, there have been a 
lot of talks on what happened in America some supporting and blessing others 
opposing and condemning it. What is the correct stand in these two opinions 
according to your view? We similarly hope you will go into details in the 
issue because of the ambiguities in it.

A: Praise is due to Allah Lord of the Worlds, may the Salaat and Salaam be 
with the unlettered Prophet, his family, his companions and all who live 
according to his path till the Day of Judgment.

Before answering the question we should know that whatever decision the non- 
Muslim state, America, takes -especially critical decisions which involve 
war - it is taken based on opinion poll and/or voting within the house of 
representatives and senate, which represent directly, the exact opinion of 
the people they represent - the people of America - through their 
representatives in the Parliament. Based on this, any American who voted for 
war is a like a fighter, or at least a supporter, as we will explain later.

Let it also be understood that the guide and final decision on the 
interactions of Muslims with the Unbelievers are the Book of Allah and the 
Sunnah of His Prophet may the Salat and Salam be with him; And not politics 
or personal benefits. And the Qur'an has explicitly explained this issue and 
clarified it because of its importance and danger. When we refer to the 
Qur'an we realize that it has left no one in doubt nor did it leave any gay 
areas on this issue.

And all the various verses which discuss this issue emphasize two things, 
namely Al-Walaa' (love and alliance) and Al-Baraa'ah (hate and opposition), 
which confirms the fact that Al-Walaa' and Al-Baraa'ah are strong pillars in 
the Islamic Shari'ah, an issue on which the scholars - both the past and 
contemporary - have consensus. Allah says warning against Loving the 
unbelievers, taking sides with them and leaning towards them:

"O believers! Take not Jews and Christians as your (protecting) friends, 
they are allies of one another. Whosoever allies with them, amongst you, 
then he is one of them..."

"O Believers! Do not take My enemy and your enemy, as friends, giving them 
your affection..."

And Allah said: "O Believers! Take not private friends from among your 
enemies expressing open love to them.."

And He said on the necessity of rejecting the unbelievers "certainly you had 
an excellent example in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their 
people we are free from you and from whatever ye worship other than Allah, 
we have rejected you hostility has stated between us and you till the Day of 
Judgment..." And the Exalted said: "Never will you find a people who believe 
in Allah and the Last Day making friendships with those oppose Allah and His 
messenger even though they were their parents or their sons.."

And the Exalted and praised said: "Say: if your parents, your children, your 
brothers, your wives, your kindred, the weath you have acquired, the 
commerce in which you fear decline, or the dwellins you are pleased with, 
are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and striving hard and 
fighting in His cause, then wait until Allah brings His Decision. And Allah 
guides not the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient)"

These verses and tens of others are clear statements on the obligation and 
necessity of opposing unbelievers and hating them, as well as rejecting 
them. And I don't think any person with the slightest level of knowledge is 
ignorant of this.

Having said this, you should know that America is a Kufr State that is 
totally against Islam and Muslims. In fact it has reached the peak of that 
arrogance in the form of open attacks on several Muslim Nations as it did in 
Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Philistine, Libya and others, where it - America - 
allied with the forces of Kufr such as Britain, Russia and others in 
attacking and trying to exterminate them. Similarly, America expelled the 
Palestinians from their homes and housed the 'brothers of Pigs and Apes' in 
them; and stood firmly in support of the criminal Zionist State of the Jews, 
giving them all they need in the form of wealth, weapons and training. How 
then can America after all these things not be considered an enemy of the 
Muslim Nations and at war with them?

But, because they have reached the peak of tyranny and arrogance; because 
they have seen the collapse of the Soviet Union in the hands of the Muslims 
in Afghanistan, they thought that they are the Ultimate Power above which 
there is no power. Unfortunately, they forgot that Allah, the Exalted and 
Mighty, is Stronger than them and can humble and destroy them.

On the other hand, it is unfortunate and disturbing to see that a lot of 
fellow scholars have preferred the side of mercy and emotion and forgotten 
or ignored what that Kufr Nation (America) is doing such as killing, 
destroying and spoiling most of the Muslim Lands, and showing no mercy or 
kindness in that.

Consequently, I find it incumbent upon me to refute some false claims and 
misconceptions that some fellow scholars are relying upon in trying to 
support their positions.


One of them is what I heard from some of them, "that we have agreements and 
pacts between us and America and hence it is binding on us to fulfil them."

My response to this is from two points of view:

1. The person saying this has already concluded that it is Muslims who 
committed the act, and up to now, no proof of law has been established to 
the effect that Muslims are behind the attack, or that they participated in 
it, in which case it may be said that they have broken the covenant. So, 
since, it is yet to be established that we committed the act, nor that we 
did partake in its execution, how then can it be said that we have broken 
the 'Pact'?

Of course expressing our hatred for those unbelievers and rejecting them has 
nothing to do with breaking covenants or pacts. It is just something Allah 
has compelled upon us in clear texts of His Glorious Book.

2. Even if we accept that there are covenants and pacts between Muslims and 
America, why then did America not fulfill its side of the agreement?

Why has it not stopped its aggression and harming a lot of Muslims? Is it 
not an established fact that: all pacts are binding on both parties; and 
that whenever they do not fulfill their roles, the pact becomes invalid and 
the covenant broken? Allah the Exalted said:

"But if they break their covenants after its solemnizing it, and attack your 
religion, then, fight ye the leaders of Kufr, for they (deserve) no 


They say that: "among the victims were some, innocent and sinless"

Response to this is from several points of view:

1. Sa'ab bin Jathamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported from that the 
Prophet was asked about the people in the homes of Mushrikun (Polytheist) 
when they are attacked at night and their women and children are affected, 
he said: "they are part of them".

So, this Hadith shows that women, children and all those the killing of whom 
is forbidden, when they are separate, it is permissible to kill them when 
they are mixed up with the fighters and it is not possible to separate. This 
is because they had asked the Prophet about the case which is "attacking at 
night", in which case it is not possible to differentiate, and he permitted 
them because "things may be allowed when they occur along the way but be 
forbidden when separate".

2. Also, Muslim commanders have always used Catapult when fighting the 
Kuffar (a kind of weapon that was used in the past when trying to break into 
an enemy camp which is fully fortressed - it destroys whatever it meets by 
its weight, i.e. something like a catapult - translator), and it is obvious 
that a Catapult when applied in a war does not differentiate between a 
fighter and others, hence it may afflict some those so-called 'innocent 
souls', but that not withstanding this is an established practice among 
Muslims in their wars.

Ibn Qudamah may Allah have mercy on him, said: "And it is permissible to use 
Catapult because the Prophet may the Salaat and Salaam be with him used 
Catapult on the people of Ta'if; and Amr bin al-As did the same to the 
people of Alexandria (Al-Mughniy, vol. 10, p503).

And Ibn al-Qasim said "it is permissible to use Catapult against Kuffar even 
if children, women and old men and monks are killed inadvertently, because 
'Nikayah' (doing what will weaken the enemy) is allowed according to the 
consensus of Ulama. Ibn Rushd said: "'Nikayah' is permissible according to 
Ijama' and on any type of polytheists" (Al-Hashiyah ala' Ar-Raudh, vol. 4, p 

Here, there is a question we will like to ask those who use the word 
"Terrorism" on what happened in America, and I want their reply.

The question is: When America attacked a Pharmaceutical firm in Sudan, using 
its planes and bombs, destroying it and killing everybody in it, staff and 
laborers, what was this called? Shouldn't the action of America in the 
Sudanese firm be considered as an act of terrorism? Else how can what those 
people did in America be treatest as an act of terrorism? Why is everybody 
condemning and rejecting what was done to those buildings in America and yet 
we did not hear any such condemnations on the destruction caused by America 
in the Sudanese firm?

I certainly don't see any difference between the two acts, except that the 
money that was used in building the firm is Muslims' and the workers and 
staff killed by destroying the firm were Muslims; Whereas, the buildings 
destroyed by those hijackers was built with the money of non-Muslims and the 
victims of the explosion were non-Muslims.

So, is this the difference that made some fellow brothers to call what 
happened in America 'Terrorism'!! While at the same time they neither 
condemned what happened in Sudan, nor called it TERRORISM?

Similarly, what happened to the Libyans of deliberate and imposed 
'starvation'; 'starvation' of the Iraqis plus almost daily attacks; the 
sanctions and attacks launched against Afghanistan, a Muslim Nation: all 
these, why are they not termed "terrorism"? What else can we term them if 
not terrorism?

In addition, we should ask those people, what do you mean by "innocent and 

Those are one of three categories/groups:

The first category:

They may be among those who neither fought, nor supported their country by 
their persons, wealth or opinion and suggestions or anything else. It is not 
permissible to kill this category, on condition that they can be 
differentiated from the rest, but if they are mixed up such that they can't 
be separated, then it is allowed to kill them along with the others and by 
extension, like old men, women, children, the sick and the disabled or 
devoted monks.

Ibn Qudamah said: "It is allowed to kill women and children in night attacks 
and in demolished buildings or ditches, so far as the intention is not to 
kill them in particular; And it is allowed to kill their (the enemies') 
animals as a means for killing and subduing them; there is no difference of 
opinion on this." (Al-Mughniy, with the Sharh -commentary, 10/503)

Similarly he said: "It is permissible to attack enemies at night. Ahmad bin 
Hanbal said: 'there is no problem with night attacks, were the Romans not 
attacked at night?' And he said: 'we don't know anybody who disliked night 
attacks" (Al-Mughniy 10/503)

The second category: Or, they (the victims) may be part of those who did not 
participate directly in the war but helped with their wealth or opinions, 
these cannot be called "innocent", nay they are among the fighters and part 
of the strength of the enemy.

Ibn Abdil Barr may Allah has mercy on him, said in Al-Istizkar: "There is no 
dispute among the scholars that whoever fights among women or old men, 
killing him is allowed, similarly, any child capable of fighting , if he 
does may be killed." (Al-Istizkar vol. 14, p 74). Similarly, Ibn Qudamah 
reported the Ijamaa' on killing women, children and old men if they help 
their people; Ibn Abdil Barr said: "They have a concensus on the fact that 
the Prophet killed Duraid bin on the Day of the Battle of Hunayn because he 
was an experienced in war and contributed his opinions. Thus whoever is like 
that among old men deserves to be killed according to all (scholars). 
(At-Tamheed, vol. 16 p 142)

And an-Nawawi, may Allah have mercy on him related the Ijama' (in Sharh 
Muslim in "the Book of Jihad") that elderly men among the non-Muslims should 
be killed if they have knowledge of war strategies.

Ibn Qasim also quoted in Al-Hashiyat that: "they had Ijmaa' that the ruling 
concerning any strategist is that of any fighter in Jihad. This Ijmaa' was 
reported from Ibn Taimiyyah. Similarly, he related from Ibn Taimiyyah that 
"those who assist a group and their helpers are (to be considered) part of 
them, in whatever is for or against them"

The third Category:

Or they may be Muslims, and it is not permissible for these to be killed 
separately; But when they are mixed up with others in such a way that they 
have to be killed with them, then it is allowed, and these is the case known 
as 'Mas'alatut Tatarrus' (when non-Muslims hold Muslims as shield against 
attack), which was discussed earlier.

Thus, what many are babbling and repeating on the case of the "innocent 
victims", is nothing but the effect of the West and its media, to the extent 
that many an unwary person repeats the words and expressions of our enemies, 
which are in direct contradiction with the expressions of Shari'ah.

Let us not, also, forget that it is permissible for us to treat non-Muslims 
similar to the way they treated us; and in this there is a reply and clear 
proof to all those who repeat the words "innocent victims", because Allah 
the Exalted has made that. Among the texts on that:

"Thus, if you retaliate, retaliate with what equals the aggression afflicted 
upon you" and He said:

"...and those whom, when an aggression afflicts them, they revenge, but the 
reward of an evil is an evil equal to it".

Also among the sayings of scholars on the permissibility of taking revenge:

Ibn Taimiyyah said: "it is their right to mutilate. So it is their right to 
do it in revenge and payback in the same coins, OR they may waive it, but 
patience is better. This is in a case where the mutilation does not lead to 
a gain in the Jihad, and it is not for an equal treatment from them (the 
enemies); But when Mutilating them will lead to their accepting the faith or 
warn them against another aggression, then, it is - in this case - part of 
recommended Jihad and retribution." (This was quoted by Ibn Muflih in 
Alfuru' vol.6 p.218)

Else, whoever says that there are "innocent victims" without any 
differentiation between their categories, must accept that he is accusing 
the Prophet and the Companions and those after them that they killed 
"innocent victims", according to them! Because the Prophet used Catapult in 
his war against Ta'if, and it is the nature of Catapult that it does not 

Similarly, the Prophet (saw) killed all whom those who had attained puberty 
among the Jews of Bani Quraidah without differentiating between them.

Ibn Hazm, commenting on the Hadith that "Banu Quraidah were paraded before 
the Prophet, and he ordered the killing of all those who had attained 
puberty", said: "this is a general ruling from the Prophet, since he did not 
leave out an old man, a merchant, a farmer or any other person; this was 
related from him with genuine Ijmaa' (Al-Muhallaa vol. 6 p. 299)

Ibn al-Qayyim said in 'Zaadul Ma'aad': "it is part of his guidance (i.e. the 
Prophet's) that whenever he made a pact with some people and they broke the 
covenant, or some of them broke the agreement, and the rest supported them 
on that , and accepted it; he fights all of them and considers all as having 
broken the covenant. As he did to Banu Quraizah and Banun Nadheer and Banu 
Qainuqa', and as he treated the people of Mecca. So this is Sunnah (method 
or approach to those who betray their covenants.

Similarly, he said: "Ibn Taimiyyah has certainly ruled that the Christians 
of Mashriq should be fought when they assisted the enemies of the Muslims 
against them, and helped them with their wealth and weapons, despite the 
fact that they did not did not fight us. He considered them to have broken 
the covenant as Quraish did during the time of the Prophet by helping Banu 
Bakr bin Wa'il in fighting those in alliance with the prophet"

In conclusion, we all know that the non Muslim west, especially America will 
definitely seize this opportunity and utilize that in its favor and through 
fresh injustice to the Muslims in Afghanistan and Palestine, Chechnya and 
other areas, whoever the perpetrators may be. And they will try to eradicate 
Jihad and those who engage in it and it will never succeed; and they will do 
that in the name of fighting Terrorism; and they will go ahead and fight our 
brothers in faith, in the Taliban ruled, Muslim Nation of Afghanistan, the 
only nation that has given a cover for genuine Mujahiddin and assists them 
at a time when everybody has forsaken them, and who never bowed down to the 
Non-Muslim Western nations.

Thus, it is compulsory to assist this Islamic Nation in Jihad, with whatever 
we can Allah the Exalted says:

"The Believers, men and women, are helpers of one another"

And He said "Help each other in righteousness and obedience"

Thus, it is compulsory to assist them with wealth and persons and opinions 
and advices and through the Media by defending them and their honor and 
their public image; and through prayers for them that they vanquish the 
enemy and have steadfastness.

And like we said, it is compulsory upon all Muslims to help the Taliban 
Government it is also equally compulsory upon the Muslim Governments 
especially the neighboring countries to assist them against the Kufr of the 

And let those know that that failing to assist Taliban that is being fought 
for its religion and because of the help it gives to Mujahideen and, 
assisting the kuffar against them is the kind of friendship and support of 
the kuffar that Allaah warned against when He said:

"Believers, take not my enemy and your enemy as friends in whom you put 

And He said "Believers take not my enemy and yours as Protecting friends."

Certainly it will go down in history that these countries betrayed their 
brothers and it will remain as a kind of bad record on them and their people 
that will remain forever!!

Similarly let those neighboring and nearby countries be ware that if they 
refuse to help the brothers and allowed the enemy to attack them, that Allah 
may face them with His Natural Disasters and terrible situations as a 
punishment and chastisement on them. The Prophet said a Muslim is a brother 
of a Muslim, he does not forsake or betray him.. and he also said in a 
Hadith Qudsi: "Allah said "Whoever fights my Friend should get ready for war 
with Me And He said "Whoever allowed a Muslim to be humiliated while he 
could assist him, Allah will humiliate him in front of the entire creation 
on the Day of Judgment (reported by Ahmad). And we wish to remind the 
Pakistan Government that allowing the Americans, the enemies of Muslims, to 
use their land is not informed by wisdom nor borne out of experience 
politics at all because it will lead to giving the opportunity for America 
to discover their secrets of their country and know the location of its 
nuclear power with all precision and something that has terrified the West, 
and that may lead to the Americans giving the Jews the chance to attack the 
Nuclear Plants in Pakistan as they did those of Iraq earlier. And how come 
does Pakistan trust America is enemy that has been warning and warning them! 
I really think that the reasonable personalities in Pakistan will not allow 
it, not to mention their Good Muslims will ever accept this nor will they 
just fold their arms and watch surrender to their enemies of yesterday.

We pray to Allah that He helps His Religion and raises His Word and exalts 
Islam and the Muslims and the Mujahideen and to destroy America and its 
followers and those who assist them. Verily He has that Power and is Able to 
do so.

Wa-sallaahu wa-sallam 'alaa Muhammad wa aalihi wa sahbihi was-sallam.

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