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US applauds arrests of suspected terrorists in M'sia and S'pore

WASHINGTON Jan 8 - Washington Monday applauded Malaysia's determination to support the 
international coalition against terrorism with its latest arrests of 13 suspected 

However, the US administration came under fire from civil liberty groups and American 
Muslims for its indefinite detention of hundreds of American-Muslims and foreign West 
Asians and Muslim men suspected of being involved in terrorism.

A State Department official said here that it was important for governments around the 
world to take decisive actions against threats from terrorists or similar groups. 

Following Malaysia's announcement of its arrests of Kumpulan Militan Malaysia (KMM) 
members, Singapore announced its detention of 15 suspected terrorists between Dec 9 
and 24 under the republic's Internal Security Act. 

The suspects were believed to be a network of militants targeting the US Embassy and 
American businesses in the island state. 

The official said that while the US welcomed the decisive actions taken in Malaysia 
and Singapore against terrorists, its view on the ISA had not changed and hoped that 
the men arrested would be tried in court where they would be given a chance to defend 

He noted that President George W. Bush, in a meeting with Chinese leader Jiang Zemin 
in Shanghai, addressed the counter-terrorism issue with China while also expressing 
his concerns about the importance of maintaining human rights. 

President Bush's views on the issue were not limited to China but also other countries 
engaged in counter terrorism, the official said. 

Meanwhile, the Bush administration came under fire from civil liberty groups and 
American Muslims for its indefinite detention of hundreds of American-Muslims and 
foreign West Asians and Muslim men suspected of being involved in terrorism. 

Bush had proposed a military tribunal to try foreign suspects behind closed doors - a 
proposal that had drawn noisy criticisms from many Americans who believe in an open 
trial for all. 

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher, in his daily briefing here Monday, said 
that these arrests not only showed the global nature of the threat posed by terrorist 
networks but also the seriousness with which the governments, including those in 
Southeast Asia, have been taking the threat. 

He said the US was encouraged by the range of counter-terrorism cooperation and 
actions taking place in the region and elsewhere, including the tightening of 
immigration and border controls. 

"Southeast Asian nations have also taken effective measures to stop the financing of 
terrorism, to share intelligence information, step up law enforcement, all of which 
are having a positive effect against the presence of terrorists in the region. 

"We welcome the resolve towards preventing, suppressing and eradicating terrorism that 
they expressed in their 2001 Asean Summit Declaration, and we stand by to assist them 
in this effort in both the short term and for the duration in the effort against 
terrorism," Boucher said. 

The 13 suspects arrested by Malaysian police between Dec 9 and Jan 3 were believed to 
be plotting to topple the government and establish a hardline Islamic state comprising 
Malaysia, Indonesia and southern Philippines. 

The authorities have seized documents on guerilla warfare, map-reading and use of 

Police also believed that they may be linked to suspected terrorist Zacharias 
Moussaoui, a 33-year-old French man, believed to have visited Malaysia twice in 2000. 

Moussaoui is the only person charged so far in connection with last year's Sept 11 
terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. 


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