All unary operators take the highest precedence. The precedence of binary operators is 
indicated by their position in the table. 

The unary operators are:

        Operator        Type of Operation       
        -               Unary minus     
        !               One's complement        
The binary operators are listed in the following table in their order of precedence. 
Operators with higher precedence are listed first:

        Operators       Type of Operation       Type Restrictions                      
        *  /            Multiplicative          Integers                               
        +  -            Additive        integers        Strings (+ only)               
        < > <= >=       Relational              Integers        
        == !=           Equality                        Integers, strings, booleans
        and             Logical AND             Booleans        
        or              Logical OR              Booleans        

count = 3 + 5 * 40
transmit "Hello" + " there"
delay 24 / (7 - 1)


Description: Binary data

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