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your message Mr Belut Pisang is right and correct.

read this article from belut

--- Belut Pisang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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>The movement of Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ab Wahab
>At the turn of the Twelfth Century after the Hijrah-The eighteenth century =
>CE - ignorance and backwardness in all venues of life afflicted the Islamic=
> world. The light of faith had faded from the hearts of many Muslims, and S=
>hari'ah was smeared and distorted, to the extent that many Muslims fell vic=
>tims to various types of Shirk or polytheism. They ascribed partners with A=
>llah, and indulged in Jaheliyah (state of religious ignorance) similar to t=
>hat which was rampant before the advent of Islam. Many Muslims in those day=
>s believed in the sacredness of certain persons, who were, according to the=
>ir twisted understanding, capable of granting them provisions, victory, hea=
>lth, etc. Superstition, fables and innovations were abounding. Much wealth =
>and materials were wasted in building tombs and shrines to which they made =
>pilgrimage, and at whose thresholds they offered animal sacrifices. Further=
>more, they glorified and worshiped special trees and stones. They sought ba=
>rakah or blessings from those false Deities. It is a fact that people in Ba=
>ghdad, for instance, used to seek barakah from a rusted ottoman canon. They=
> would take their children to this canon invoking it to make them eloquent =
>and fluent in speech.=20
>            In those days, the Arab peninsula was in an extreme state of di=
>vision. Every village had its own Emir, and the relations among those villa=
>ges were enmity-based, not to mention the bitter hostilities that character=
>ized the relationship between the cities and the rural areas. Individuals f=
>rom the nomadic tribes would seize any opportunity to raid and steal belong=
>ings and properties of the dwellers of towns and cities. The pathways and r=
>oad were unsafe and travel was treacherous.=20
>            From the heart of that chaos, darkness and disorder, a voice wa=
>s heard, calling the people to return to the purity and beauty of aqueedah =
>or faith, to the pure belief and full servitude to Allah, the tawheed.=20
>            That voice was the voice of Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (1=
>115-1206 AH/ 1791-1703 CE). He called for the renewal, revival and resurrec=
>tion of the true aspects and features of Islam that were then blurred or co=
>vered by false beliefs and practices. Allah blessed the Shaikh's movement a=
>nd efforts with success. His teachings widely spread. His following began t=
>o grow in numbers.=20
>            That voice was the voice of Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (1=
>115-1206 AH/ 1791-1703 CE). He called for the renewal, revival and resurrec=
>tion of the true aspects and features of Islam that were then blurred or co=
>vered by false beliefs and practices. Allah blessed the Shaikh's movement a=
>nd efforts with success. His teachings widely spread. His following began t=
>o grow in numbers.=20
>            Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab acquired Islamic sciences from his fa=
>ther who too was a judge and a noted scholar. Then his appetite and yearnin=
>g for knowledge took him to Madinah in Hijaz region where he acquired Ilm (=
>Islamic Knowledge) from a number of scholars like Muhammad As-Sindi. After =
>that he moved to Iraq where he studied Hadeeth, jurisprudence and Arabic la=
>nguage. His original intention was to travel to Damascus from Iraq, but for=
> some reasons, he could not. Therefore, he went back to his village al-Uyyn=
>ah, and started propagating his teachings. He called upon his people to abs=
>tain from the erroneous and unauthentic religious practices and follow the =
>original deen and Shari'ah that were embraced and practiced by the first an=
>d righteous generation of Islam. He criticized and denied their polytheisti=
>c practices, rites and inventions, not only theoretically, but he followed =
>up his preaching with deeds. He destroyed the shrines and tombs that were e=
>rected on the graves of his people's sacred persons. He felled the trees th=
>at were glorified by people.=20
>            Soon the efforts of Ibn Abdul Wahhab and people around him star=
>ted yielding positive results. Many people came to him to learn Ilm. The ne=
>ws of this Shaikh and his teachings hit the neighboring villages and towns.=
> The ruling entities in those areas and heads of the different tribes were =
>worried and fearful of the danger his teachings might pose to their authori=
>ties, for it calls for the liberation of people from the darkness of ignora=
>nce and from the excesses and oppressions of corrupted and manipulative est=
>ablishments. And they were just right. So far, their subjects' ignorance wa=
>s the main guarantee for the survival and continuity of these privileges.=
>            Therefore, the heads of those villages and towns exerted tremen=
>dous pressures on the chief of al-Uyynah to expel the Shaikh. The chief eve=
>ntually succumbed to their demand and asked Shaikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab to leav=
>e al-Uyynah. Following his eviction from al-Uyynah the Shaikh headed for th=
>e village of ad-Dir'iyah, which was, at that time, under the rule of Muhamm=
>ad ibn Saud. Not only did Ibn Saud accept the teachings of Ibn Abdul Wahhab=
> and embraced his principles, but he also pledged allegiance to him and his=
> call for the application of the authentic Shari'ah laws, and propagation o=
>f the pure Islamic teachings.=20
>            Consequently, Shaikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab began contacting the lead=
>ers, the judges and the Imams of masajid in the Najd area acquainting them =
>with his dawah. Some of them responded positively to his call, others rejec=
>ted it and a few even wrote treatises denouncing and ridiculing his teachin=
>gs. Shaikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab responded by writing back commenting and refuti=
>ng their objections. In the meantime, the army of Ibn Saud was available to=
> fight or scare those who dare to threat the safety of the Shaikh or try to=
> stop and limit the progress of spreading and teaching the revival of the I=
>slamic dawah. And after a short while the whole region of Najd and the neig=
>hboring Eastern regions of Arabia accepted this dawah and became part of th=
>e new revival movement of Islam.=20
>            Shaikh Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab lived to see the prevalence of=
> his principles-he was ninety years old when he died. At his death in 1218 =
>CE, the whole region of Hijaz and most of the regions of the Arab peninsula=
> had become unified under the banner of tawheed, the cornerstone of the daw=
>ah of Ibn Abdul Wahhab.=20
>            Tawheed mean denying all deities other than Allah, subhanahu wa=
> ta'ala. And thus, no prophet, sacred person or angel deserves to be worshi=
>ped, or submitted to. All must submit only to Allah and to him alone. Tawhe=
>ed liberates humans from their influence and domination of the clergy or an=
>y one who happens to manipulate religion and use it to consolidate power or=
> authority into his hands. It is a 'revolt' against all forms of enslavemen=
>t, and all attempts to compromise the dignity of the human being. It rubs o=
>ff traces of psychological defeat so that the Ummah will continue to be cap=
>able of renewing itself; firmly believing in the approach it has willingly =
>chosen. Tawheed is the antonym of blind following that hampers the renewal.=
> It takes the human back to Allah's norms and laws that govern the universe=
>. It unifies the human psyche, and realizes the much-required balance betwe=
>en the spiritual aspirations and the worldly inclinations. Tawheed also has=
> practical manifestations: it refines and polishes morals, brings peace of =
>mind and comfort of conscience and strengthens the trust of the believers i=
>n Allah, his creator. The utmost sin a man could commit is to associate par=
>tners with Allah, and claim or believe that Allah's Attributes and Acts or =
>Ability can be similar to any of His creatures or vise versa. =93 Abdullah =
>ibn Masoud said: I asked the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam: What is =
>the greatest sin ever? He answered: The greatest sin is to associate partne=
>rs with Allah who created you=94 (Muslim).=20
>            The influence of the dawah of Ibn Abdul Wahhab had reached far =
>places in India, Yemen and North Africa, because of the efforts and hard wo=
>rk of many scholars and callers (du'at) who came to know the Islamic teachi=
>ngs, revived by the Shaikh, during their visits to Makkah to perform Hajj o=
>r Umrah, the minor pilgrimage. They were impressed by the simplicity and no=
>bility of the revivalist dawah of Shaikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab, and took pains t=
>o spread it in their countries and everywhere they could.=20
>            Finally, I reiterate and stress that there is an important less=
>on to be learned from the dawah of Ibn Abdul Wahhab and the striking succes=
>s it achieved. A lesson to be thought of and heeded by those of us who are =
>seeking to restore to the deen its past glory and influence. This lesson is=
> that any Islamic revival movement that aspires to success must be based on=
> the basic fundamentals of Islam as they were specified and practiced by th=
>e Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. At the top of these fundamentals is=
> tawheed which in fact the thread that runs through the entire body of the =
>Islamic system of beliefs and worships. Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab gr=
>asped this fact and held it dearly and served it unwaveringly, and for that=
> reason his efforts in dawah flourished and achieved the marvelous success =
>that we all know and feel.=20
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "Jalalludin Rumi"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed May 29 02:50:59 PDT 2002
>Subject: H-Net* Wahhabis / Najdis/  la-madhhabis =3D Shaytan !!!
>> *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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>>Assalamualaikum to all,
>>Satan always appeared in the figure of an old man of the Najd to
>>Rasulullah (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam). When the disbelievers
>>assembled at a place called Dar an-Nadwa in Mecca and decided to kill
>>the Prophet, Satan appeared in the figure of an old man of the Najd
>>and taught them how to carry out the murder, and they agreed to do as
>>the Najdi old man said. Since that day, Satan has been called Shaikh
>>an-Najdi. Hadrat Muhyiddin Ibn al-'Arabi writes in his work
>>Al-musamarat: "When the Quraish disbelievers were repairing the Kaba,
>>each of the heads of the tribes said that he was going to replace the
>>valuable stone called al-Hajar al-aswad. Later they agreed that the
>>person who came [to the Kaba] first the following morning would be
>>the referee to choose one from among them to place the stone.
>>Rasulullah (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam) was the first who came, he
>>was twenty-five then, and they said they were going to obey what he
>>said because he was trustworthy (amin). He said, "Bring a carpet and
>>put the stone on it. You all hold the carpet at its sides and raise
>>it to the level where the stone will be placed." After it was raised,
>>he took the stone from the carpet with his blessed hands and set it
>>at its place in the wall. At that moment. Satan appeared in the
>>figure of the Shaikh an-Najdi and, pointing to a stone, said, "Put
>>this beside it to support it." His real purpose was for the foul
>>stone he pointed to fall in the future, so that the Hajar al-aswad
>>would lose its steadiness and, consequently, people would consider
>>Rasulullah (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam) inauspicious. Seeing this,
>>Rasulullah (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "A'udhu bi'llahi min
>>ash-shaitani 'r-rajim," and Satan immediately ran away, disappeared.'
>>Because Muhyiddin ibn al-'Arabi (rahmat-Allahi ta'ala 'alaih), with
>>this writing, made known to the world that the Shaikh an-Najdi was
>>Satan, the la-madhhabi hate this great wali. They even call him a
>>disbeliever. It is understood also from this passage that their
>>leader was a Satan. For this reason, they destroy the blessed places
>>inherited from Rasulullah (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam). They say
>>that these places make people polytheists. If it were polytheism to
>>pray to Allahu ta'ala in sacred places, Allahu ta'ala would not have
>>ordered us to go for hajj; "Rasulullah (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa
>>sallam) would not have kissed the Hajar al-aswad while he was
>>performing tawaf; nobody would pray at 'Arafat and Muzdalifa; stones
>>would not be thrown at Mina, and Muslims would not walk between
>>as-Safa and al-Marwa. These sacred places would not have been
>>respected that much.=20=20
>>Through the window between heart and heart flashes the light that tells tr=
>uth from lie.
>>- Mevlana Of The Whirling Dervishes -
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