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Memang perang ini berkaitan dengan agama, iaitu imperialist USA dan Britain ingin 
menghambakan umat Islam dan Arab supaya kedudukan Israel lebih kukuh. Perang ini juga 
tiada kaitan dengan minyak di Iraq. Saya hairan, kenapa terdapat orang yang percaya 
Amerika menyerang Iraq kerana minyak. Kalau pun minyak menjadi faktor, ia terletak di 
dalam senarai yang terbawah sekali. There are many other ways to secure good oil deals 
with Iraq (for example, cheap Iraqi oil in exchange for US technology). Ramai tidak 
bersetuju menggelar ini perang di antara Islam dengan Kristian kerana banyak Gereja 
dunia yang bersimpati dengan Iraq. President Bush memang menggunakan agama Kristian 
dalam perang ini. 

-----Original Message-----
From: "TigerChan"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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>Pihak gereja Kristian membahagi Bible kepada tentera Kristian 
>supaya menguatkan semangat menakluki bumi Islam di Iraq. Siapa kata 
>ini bukan Perang Salib? Harap ulama-ulama di Malaysia faham baik-baik.
>Honor a Hero
>Through our Military Chaplain Outreach <http://www.ibsministry.org/> ,
>IBS is providing "desert camo" Bibles and New Testaments to troops in
>Iraq, troops preparing for deployment, and troops remaining at home
>station. IBS sends Scriptures to military chaplains, who distribute the
>Scriptures to their service members. Priority is given to Reserve and
>National Guard Chaplains because they typically have limited funds to
>purchase Scriptures, said Retired Army Chaplain Chuck Adams, IBS'
>Military Representative. "More Reserve and National Guard troops are
>being called to active duty now than in the 1991 Gulf War. That's why
>the need is so great right now to supply Reserve and National Guard
>Chaplains with Bibles," Adams said. "We want to get Scriptures to the
>troops at their U.S. bases before they leave for Iraq, so they have
>God's Word with them in their pockets. But we also can put the
>Scriptures on U.S. supply planes. They're delivered to the Chaplains
>through the regular supply lines on the ground in Iraq. Either way, we'd
>like to know that every soldier who wants God's Word has it."
>Pictured above; a soldier from the 3rd Infantry Division is baptized in
>the desert on March 12 in an improvised baptism pool. Other soldiers,
>barefoot in the background, await their baptisms. Eight soldiers were
>baptized that day. For more on this important IBS ministry, see our
>online ministry site at www.IBSMinistry.org
><http://www.ibsministry.org/> .
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>Pengirim: TigerChan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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