This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
It's not safe for you to touch anything in an edict_t except for entvars
(usually accessed via CBaseEntity->pev).

Here are the functions that Phineas Bot uses to count players.
Apologies for what e-mail might do to formatting:

int UTIL_ClientsInGame( void )
    int iCount = 0;

    for ( int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients; iIndex++ )
        CBaseEntity * pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iIndex );

        if ( pPlayer == NULL )

        if ( FNullEnt( pPlayer->pev ) )

        if ( FStrEq( STRING( pPlayer->pev->netname ), "" ) )


    return iCount;

int UTIL_HumansInGame( void )
    int iCount = 0;

    for ( int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients; iIndex++ )
        CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iIndex );

        if ( pPlayer == NULL )

        if ( FNullEnt( pPlayer->pev ) )

        if ( FStrEq( STRING( pPlayer->pev->netname ), "" ) )

        if ( FBitSet( pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT ) )


    return iCount;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Samways [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 10:05 AM
> Subject: [hlcoders] Counting players
> I assumed this would be easy but our inclusion of bots has
> left this in a
> bit of a mess.
> I was just using the CountPlayers function in the multiplay
> gamerules and
> noticed that when I kick a bot it's still counted as a player.
> ie.
> I'm on the server alone, players == 1,
> I add a bot, players == 2,
> I kick the bot, players still == 2
> Now the bot's not listed any more and the server doesn't
> count it in it's
> player count, all that stuff is fine, just this isn't.
> Now I presume I can just set edict->free to true when a bot
> disconnects to
> rectify this (as UTIL_PlayerByIndex will ignore it then), but
> I don't want
> to just do that without knowing if that's going to have more far flung
> implications. Is this safe to do?

[ winmail.dat of type application/ms-tnef deleted ]

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