You'll need to create an point entity that you put in each area of the
map with a skybox, then add a think function to the player that checks
which point you're closest too and sets the m_skybox3d accordingly.
Worked for me!

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 01:00:54 -0500, Phil Bowens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ I sent an email earlier about player models with no responses-- I
> suppose most of you are waiting for hl2mp src (if it does arrive) to
> sort this out. I've made some progress but its been put on the
> backburner to make room for other tests. Anyhow, hopefully I'll have
> better luck with this next subject ]
> Before the SDK was released I read somewhere that it's 'possible' to
> have multiple skyboxes. I see that the framework is in the SDK, but I
> have some questions.. :)
> In Sky_Camera.cpp there is a 'global' sky_camera list, but I'm not
> sure how to tell the engine which sky_camera to use. Does anyone have
> any suggestions on the best way to implement it? I have a few ideas
> bouncing around in my head (like making a sky_area brush entity that a
> sky_camera would refer to) but none seem good enough.
> Even though one may be able to tweak the game to have more than one
> skybox by defining more than one sky_camera and link it to certain
> areas, it still seems like there is a limitation for only one material
> set for the toolsskybox material itself, which is set in the world
> entity. I noticed in world.cpp that the 'skyname' field for the world
> entity is only used to set the sv_skyname parameter (I'm guessing for
> debugging/testing/etc).. This leads me to infer that the engine sets
> what materials to use for skybox rendering BEFORE the game gets to
> read the world ent... Am I mistaken? Any way to tell the engine to
> load a different materialset for the skybox during a game-in-progress?
> A cursory review of the client engine interface didn't turn up any
> results.
> So, this all led to a suggestion from the art team that perhaps a VMT
> may be able to define multiple textures in the skybox material shader
> scripts, which in turn the game code can reference. Unfortunately, I
> also see that the documentation is a little sketchy about all the
> different shader properties.. is there a list anywhere explaining all
> the properties for things like "Cloud" or "lightmappedgeneric" ? Is it
> possible to define custom shader script directives, or is this
> strictly an engine thing?
> </near-infinite list of questions>
> Thanks
> --
> Phil Bowens
> He is the greatest of warriors who overcomes and subdues himself.
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