QAngles represent an euler angle sequence in degrees.  They have the
same convention as Half-Life (and Quake).  There are routines in mathlib
that convert them to/from matrices and basis vectors.  Those routines
should give you a precise specification of the euler sequence, but it's
the usual pitch, yaw, roll sequence.  The first element is pitch, second
is yaw, third is roll.  They were designed to use primarily for simple
AI - where you mostly just change one of the rotations.  Note that the
axes aren't set up so that angle.x is a rotation around the local x
axis.  (pitch is rotation around y axis, rotation around the x axis is
roll).  QAngle is not a term that's used outside of the Source codebase.
The name was chosen to describe an euler sequence that uses the
conventions of Quake.

The RadianEuler type is an x/y/z sequence in radians.  So that's a bit
simpler mathematically.  We use those in most of the animation system -
and a similar representation for angular velocities/impulses in physics
(AngularImpulse - although it's kept in degrees to make it easy to
generate from AI code).

The X, Y, Z axes are forward, left, up in an entity's local frame or
east, north, up in world space.  This is a right handed coordinate


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Hasan Aljudy
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 5:48 PM
> To: hlcoders
> Subject: [hlcoders] QAngle arithmetics
> What mathematical object does QAgnle represent? Is there a
> good on-line source for the math of these angles?
> I tried google, but I don't know exactly what I should be
> looking for .. and searching "qangle" doesn't return much.

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