K> There's no offline mode? Does that mean no one can have LAN Partys with
Under same Steam account - no.

SG> This is NOT on topic for this list. I don't see the need for valve to
SG> respond for steam customer support on a coding list. Please stop spamming my
SG> in-box with anti-steam crap.
I haven't started that topic, but I am also not going to continue it
either. Btw there were a lot of other off topics on this list and no
one bitched about that.

H> Vyacheslav, I have no idea why you seem to be complaining so loud about
H> this.  Is it really that bad, that nobody on your Decay team can keep an
H> Internet connection to work on a Mod that you had to just stop working on
H> it?
Yes. You see we (core of team) are from Ukraine and for us it costed a
lot of money to buy at least one license HL2.

H> I see you work on a website, post emails, etc... so you do have an
H> Internet connection.
It is very limited. I use it only for email and sometimes for site.
Updating new tool VTF Viewer is an exception.

H> The amount of time it takes to reply to forum posts
H> and everything else the Internet is used, you could easily be working with
H> the SDK.
I read only this list. As for Internet there are so many megabytes in
Steam to update HL2 and SDK that it will it all money on my Internet
account. Why do I have to download an update that I don't want?

That's all. Thanks for attention. If you have any comments on VTF
Viewer or Decay I'll be glad to receive them.

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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