Please bare with me while I try to explain this crash, let me begin by
saying I'm using the very first mp sdk source with no updates... and debug
build is not helping at all. Perhaps the most frightening aspect of this
crash is its consistancy between game launches, and its inconsistancy
between builds, its almost as if my compiler is messed up. Basically I'm
encountering a crash in the client dll. When I create a server, disconnect,
and then recreate. the debug build gives me an error in

void CBaseViewport::RemoveAllPanels(void) (vgui_teamfortressviewport.cpp
line 413)

this is the callstack..

        client.dll!CBaseViewport::RemoveAllPanels()  Line 413 + 0xf     C++
        client.dll!CBaseViewport::~CBaseViewport()  Line 432    C++
        client.dll!SDKViewport::~SDKViewport()  + 0x14  C++
        client.dll!SDKViewport::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 0x14  C++
        client.dll!ClientModeShared::~ClientModeShared()  Line 107 + 0x22       
        client.dll!ClientModeSDKNormal::~ClientModeSDKNormal()  Line 92 + 0x8   
        client.dll!$E11()  + 0x13       C++
        client.dll!doexit(int code=0, int quick=0, int retcaller=1)  Line 376   
        client.dll!_cexit()  Line 318 + 0xb     C
        client.dll!_CRT_INIT(void * hDllHandle=0x24000000, unsigned long
dwReason=0, void * lpreserved=0x00000001)  Line 193     C
        client.dll!_DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle=0x24000000, unsigned 
dwReason=0, void * lpreserved=0x00000001)  Line 312 + 0x11      C

The kicker is the call stack indicates the call to this method is happening after a call to doExit() which is totally unrelated to anything i've been doing - if thats not enough for you, it gets a whole lot worse. I ported one single npc over nothing more, and magically the crash was fixed. Now I can create/shutdown servers as many times as I want without crashing

It gets worse.

Now when creating an npc I experience the exact same crash. then maybe 30
rebuilds later.. the crash is magically gone, without even going near npc or
combat character code of anykind... another few builds later, the crash
reappears. (totally random)

Keep in mind the crashing is _consistant_ in a build, as in once the crash
is present no matter how many times i launch the game I'll have the exact
same behaviour, magically sometimes if I do a rebuild without changing any
code, the crash vanishes. I checked this to make sure it wasn't something
like accessing an invalid pointer.

I wasn't even going to post about it here but I thought I'd give it a shot.
This must be something compiler related (mvsc++7.0) OR for some messed up
reason I couldn't understand the debugger is showing me the same (old and
unrelated) callstack, however I don't see how this could be the case as the
debugger shows the proper information if I crash a different way.

Does *anyone* have *any* suggestions? am I missing some service pack I don't
know about?
Thanks in advance...

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