With the information given, I'd bet you have an #ifndef CLIENT_DLL
encompasing part of the fire function that sets the nextfiretime... in other
words the client is not notified of the delay between shots but the server

Reply-To: hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com
To: hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: [hlcoders] too many bullet effects fireing on weapon
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 18:40:44 +1000

I am trying to reporduce the weapons from HL1 in source to use in
other mods, but I am having a problem. I copied the MP sdk's mp5 and
pasted the code into other files, i called em weapon_glock.cpp and .h
and renamed the classes, changed the ent names, gave it another bullet
type, etc etc etc. All is wonderful untill you fire the damn thing, it
fires off a random number of bullet effects(not actual bullets, only 1
bullet worth of damage is applied, so it must be too many effects)
between 3 and 7. It almost looks like it fires less off if you dont
hold the fire button as long. I have "bullets" in the script set to 1.
I have done this method of cloning a weapon to about 5 other weapons,
they do the same thing, yet the mp5 itself doesn't. Any tips on how to
get it to fire 1 bullet would be appreciated

-- ********************** Draco Coder for Perfect Dark and Kreedz Climbing http://perfectdark.game-mod.net

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