
  I'm having some problems on my serverplugin and i need some help.
  here are the issues:

  1. When i unload my plugin via plugin_unload, it's CON_COMMANDS and
  cvar are still in place. Is there something I should do in MyPlugin::Unload()
  to unregister the concommands/cvars? (also the plugin might be still running,
  i didn't check that)

  2. The code below is from the function that is called on plugin load, to
  populate a struct array "serverPlayers[]" with the currently
  connected player information. It is called in the constructor so
  you can unload/load a new version while the map is running and
  players connected. But it's crashing, take a look:

for(int i=0;i<65;i++)
        edict_t *pEntity = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i);
        if (!pEntity || pEntity->IsFree()) continue;

        IPlayerInfo *playerinfo=playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo(pEntity);
        if (!playerinfo) continue;

//crashes right here!
        if (!playerinfo->IsConnected()) continue;

        // <insert code that fills serverPlayers[i] 's members with player's 


  I'm not a big fan of saving playerList/maxClients that are passed to
  serverActivate, because it won't be called if the plugin is loaded after
  the server initialization. My plugin needs to be loadable/unloadable
  any time (so I can develop without disturbing the server crowd)

  3. The code seems to crash if i register more than one CVAR, but i'm
  still investigating that. Code is like this:

static ConVar myp_cvar1("myp_cvar1", "", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_PROTECTED, "first 
static ConVar myp_cvar2("myp_cvar2", 1, FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_PROTECTED, "second 
cvar"); //crash here!

  Any suggestions?

  I'm developing this plugin on Linux. (it took some effort to get it to 
compile already :p )
  It's currently in testing on two of my servers without these three features 
and it's running
  without any problems for a few days now.


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