I have a idea.

Actually you spawn units.  1 rocket, 1 waypoint, etc..
Thats cool because its simple, a entity its a object (1:1)
But Its poor because everything its disconected and dont interact.

My idea its to spawn "groups" of something (superentitys)

Then you can spawn "explosions", and any explosion will have 10 crap
decals that will bounce doing damage/breaking stuff. The good about that
its.. you alloc 10 entitys, and freemalloc 10 entitys. Its safer.
AND you can store on the "superentity" information that can be shared
trough the other entitys.

Yet more good about that its that the world on a FPS really work this
way, with N elements that cooperate.  Say.. on a explosion you have a
bunch of particles. I think its a non-sense to have a explosion withouth
particles, or particles withouth explosions. You can really have
explosions, so you dont really need to manage particles indidually.

Once you change your brain chip, the world can be different. AI can be
coded has nets of cooperative entitys (controllers) for a single visible
entity. Weapons can have parts that can interact to generate custom
sounds//custom actions. Etc.

Well... Its a raw idea, need work to become something usefull, of course.

Adam "amckern" Mckern wrote:
sounds like you have to much in precache, put in an
empty map (exmpty box with player spawn, and light),
or take a look at your added precache code

--- Ben Everett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since merging with the latest SDK update, whenever a
player spawns there is
a chance that the server crashes w/ a 'CL_Alloc: No
free edicts' error.
Anyone got any idea of how to fix this, isolate the
problem, etc?

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