El mié, 10-08-2005 a las 17:22 +0100, Tom Edwards escribió:
> I'm looking into producing a mod that involves widespread player
> creation of static brush entities. The biggest problem with that is
> lighting - instancing them /should/ be simple enough, but lighting them
> correctly looks to prove a major difficulty.

static brush? its that bsp models?

Sound like something a bsp engine will hate. Even more bsp models
floating here and there? with more and more lightmaps?
On the old quake codebase all instances of the same bsp model share the
same lightmap. I guest that has been enhanced, but this mean more ram
needed ( every instance of the model support his own lightmap texture!).
Other difficulty related with bsp models on the old quake codebase whas
origin. By default the origin of all bsp models whas '0 0 0'. Imagine
how horrible whas to rotate or correctly iluminate that. Nowdays
childrens life with Source its sooo easy... ;-)

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Maybe you can make all bsp models fullbright or something, so the engine
avoid all lighting related task.


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