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On 1/16/06, Matthew Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a very old problem -- One to which no solution has yet been
> found. The problem is with the viewmodel skipping and jerking in its
> animation playback. I traced the problem to the server and client
> fighting over m_flCycle, m_nSequence, m_flAnimTime, m_flPlaybackRate
> networked variables. In particular, the client sets these variables and
> then a short time later (lag time) the server also sets these variables
> since they are networked. The result is an animation skip/jerk.
> The obvious fix is to block the server from changing the value of these
> variables and let the client do the viewmodel animation independantly
> from the server. However, this is proving exceedingly difficult to do. I
> changed the viewmodel class's send table as follows:
> SendPropModelIndex(SENDINFO(m_nModelIndex)),
> SendPropInt (SENDINFO(m_nBody), 8),
> SendPropInt (SENDINFO(m_nSkin), 10),
> // SendPropInt (SENDINFO(m_nSequence), 8, SPROP_UNSIGNED),
> SendPropInt (SENDINFO(m_nViewModelIndex), VIEWMODEL_INDEX_BITS,
> // SendPropFloat (SENDINFO(m_flPlaybackRate), 8, SPROP_ROUNDUP, -4.0,
> 12.0f),
> SendPropInt (SENDINFO(m_fEffects), 10, SPROP_UNSIGNED),
> // SendPropInt (SENDINFO(m_nAnimationParity), 3, SPROP_UNSIGNED ),
> SendPropEHandle (SENDINFO(m_hWeapon)),
> SendPropEHandle (SENDINFO(m_hOwner)),
> // SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_nNewSequenceParity ), EF_PARITY_BITS,
> SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_nResetEventsParity ), EF_PARITY_BITS,
> SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_nMuzzleFlashParity ), EF_MUZZLEFLASH_BITS,
> As I understand the SDK docs, the ST_NOBASE should prevent the base
> class variables (namely m_flCycle, m_flSequence, etc. from
> CBaseAnimating) from being sent to the client. However, what I'm finding
> is that they are still get transmitted. I also tried |SendPropExclude(…)
> on the variables, but they are still getting sent to the viewmodel. The
> only way I found to stop the server from screwing with the viewmodel was
> to go into the CBaseAnimating class and strip m_flCycle, m_nSequence,
> etc. completely from the network variables list and remove the
> prediction completely. Arrgh.
> There has to be something that I'm missing, or something that isn't
> working as advertised. Any Ideas?
> |
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My mod is also suffering from this problem. I e-mailed Matthew directly to
ask if he had gotten anywhere with this and his reply basically said he
could not fix this short of starting his mod again from a Half-Life 2 MP
modification (which does not have this problem). Yet he could find no
significant difference between them that could be related to this. The only
thing he could suggest is something that is triggering different code within
the engine.

He still suffers from this and so do I. The only solution I can see is
merging my mods code with the HL2DM source and that is a monumental task
from my view that is essentially fixing an error that Valve made with the
original source release (the "Start your mod from scratch", which is still
available and I would not recommend be used by anyone now, but which was the
only option available to me at the time). So is it possible to get any
helpful input here?

Programmer for RnL

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