Hey List,
    I'm trying to figure out a bit about the current rendering pipeline 
so that I can set up and run a couple of different post process effects 
at a time.  My goal is to have each effect read from an unaltered 
framebuffer so that the successive effects won't interfere with each 
other, but rather will be able to be blended in a more specific way.  A 
good example of the kind of situation that I need this for would be the 
edge highlighting and blur filters.  I don't want the edge highlighter 
to read from the results of the blur filter because then the edges won't 
be quite true, but I also don't want the blur filter to read from the 
results of the highlighter, because then the highlights will be blurry 
as well.
    I ran across a couple of functions that might be useful in doing 
something like this, such as materials->CopyRenderTargetToTexture,  and 
I could always just create a custom render target and then copy that to 
the frame buffer when the composition is complete, but I can't shake the 
suspicion that there is some kind of support for this kind of thing 
already that I'm just missing.
    Is there, or should I just roll my own?

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