Heh, you're too late and no am not on the OB engine, me and my modeller 
pulled it off, mostly my modeller though, since he had to actually 
create the attachment, I just had to use it :P
It works so that's that...

Thanks for the answering though.

Michael Corsaro wrote:
> If you are using the OB engine, the way I would do it would be with a
> particle system. All you would need to do is attach the system at origin. If
> you want to attach it at an attachment point I believe you can do that by
> defining the point in the model's QC file with the line:
> $attachment <http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/%24attachment> (name)
> (bone name) (X) (Y) (Z) ["absolute"] ["rigid"] ["rotate" pitch yaw roll]

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