Hi all, been a while since I asked a question here.

I have a simple animated entity with the model all set up and ready to go,
with animations.

Question 1:
Do I have to do StudioFrameAdvance() in order to animate it?

Question 2:
Do I need to set a sequence before calling StudioFrameAdvance()? Or does it
default to ACT_IDLE ?

Question 3:
Where do I call StudioFrameAdvance()? On Think? The example I looked at is
Player, which does it in PostThink but my entity has no PostThink.

Question 4:
For some reason calling StudioFrameAdvance() doesn't increment its Cycle. It
keeps flipping back to zero on the next call! Why is it doing that? How do I
increment my model's cycle properly?

Note: I do have an animation, with its frames setup properly and it has an
ACT ID so it's not invalid.

Bonus Question:
Can anyone provide me with a simple animated entity example that works? Is
there any simple examples that are clear in the SDK that I can refer to?

Thanks all

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