yes but the cost was passed over to the customer.
It might be harder for valve to sell this "new" anti cheat solution to current users.
Actually I am wondering if Valve made any money with the commercial CT . It might explain why they (for the time being) refuse to buck for PB.
It is another blow to the CT community. I am going to miss PB. I can t play on a non PB game without thinking every second:
               - Is he that good or is he cheating?  I spend way too much time trying to figure if he is cheating and how he is doing it.
it is a sad day today.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : steve johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 25 septembre 2001 20:46
Objet : Re: PB News

And they deserved it just as CounterStrike Team did....
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: PB News

To echo what Mark Moran said......
(Yes PB was probably asking money to continue working on CS/HL)

-----Message d'origine-----

De : Mark Moran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Envoyé : mardi 25 septembre 2001 18:40


Objet : RE: PB no more.....



I think if you read the news REAL close. They 'offered to do business

with'...... Me thinks the punkbuster people don't want to work for free

anymore. I've approached Valve about 'doing business with' me for running a

free server. They've turned me down too. (Removing tongue from cheek.)

I'm a little disappointed.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Richard C. Ryzner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 25 septembre 2001 18:44
Objet : Re: PB News

I'm very sorry to hear this. With all the hacks out there PB is the only way to keep some of the less learned cheaters out of some servers. Unfortunatly there are so many cracks that bypass PB at this point, even on a PB required server there is usually at least one or two cheating. My big question at this point is why Valve isnt working with them. I realize we dont have all the information as to how it would be for Valve, legally etc. But I think that a reply from valve as to why would be nice.

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