Low and behold, I decided to shut down half of my servers to remove the 
search key, and what do you know; people joined instantly. Is this the 
intended functionality? I'd still like public lobby games (where users 
don't specify a search key) to be able to use my servers, but have users 
who do want to use my servers (by setting their search key to mine) be 
able to as well.

bl4nk wrote:
> I can't seem to find the thread where we were talking about
> sv_search_key last, so I thought I'd just make a new one.
> I last mentioned that the cvar didn't seem to work, but since then it
> has been working just fine. The only thing is that my servers now seem
> quite empty when I have the key set. Seeing as how players will only
> join servers with their search key the same as the servers, does this
> mean players with no search key will not be able to join servers with
> one set?

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